Skyllet Vaek DANiSH MiC XviD - DVD SCR - MiD
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 ° °        ÜÛÛ  ß   ß         Skyllet Vaek              ß   ß  ÛÛÜ         ° °
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 Û Û     Release date ..... 09/03/2007                                      Û Û
 Û Û     Street date ...... 20/03/2007                                      Û Û
 Û Û     Genre ............ Animation                                       Û Û
 Û Û     Votes ............ 6.9/10 (4,828 votes)                            Û Û
 Û Û     Rating ........... n/a                                             Û Û
 Û Û     Lable ............ DVDSCR.MiC                                      Û Û
 Û Û     Video ............ RETAiL (Bitrate 1017 kb/s - Framerate 23.976)   Û Û
 Û Û     Audio ............ MiC (128 Kbps - 48000Hz - VBR MP3)              Û Û
 Û Û     Format ........... XviD                                            Û Û
 Û Û     Language.......... DANiSH                                          Û Û
 Û Û     Subs ............. None                                            Û Û
 Û Û     Size ............. 50*15 MB                                        Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û     IMDB..............            Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        ° Û
 Û Û                          Movie information                             ± Û
 Û Û                                                                        ² Û
 Û Û     The story of an uptown rat that gets flushed down the toilet       Û Û
 Û Û     from his penthouse apartment, ending in the sewers of London,      Û Û
 Û Û     where he has to learn a whole new and different way of life.       Û Û
 Û Û°                                                                      °Û Û
 Û Û°                                                                      °Û Û
 Û Û±°°                                                                  °°±Û Û
 Û Û²²±±°°°                                                          °°°±±²²Û Û
 Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ß
 Û ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ
 Û Û                                                                        ° Û
 Û Û                           Release notes                                ± Û
 Û Û                                                                        ² Û
 Û Û  It`s with pleasure MiD introduces a NEW tag for the danish scene.     Û Û
 Û Û  As some of you already know, MiD is dedicated to bring the danish     Û Û
 Û Û  people the best home entertainment. So we`re not letting you down     Û Û
 Û Û  this time either and we hope you`ll enjoy our future contributes.     Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û  Now your probably wondering what MiC is? To make it understandable    Û Û
 Û Û  for anyone, it just means "CAM" audio. Most of you should know what   Û Û
 Û Û  that is from the English CAM scene. But for those few who don`t,      Û Û
 Û Û  it`s just audio taken from inside a cinema. Still we would like to    Û Û
 Û Û  hear from people that work in cinemas worldwide.                      Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û  We have however worked out a methode for these type of releases, so   Û Û
 Û Û  that MiC audio isn`t as bad as u would imagin. Now your saying,       Û Û
 Û Û  Yeah right! But we actually did. Since movies in general play much    Û Û
 Û Û  later in Denmark, with danish speaking. It`s possible to "mix" MiC    Û Û
 Û Û  audio into a 5.1 digital surround track from a DVDSCR, R5, RETAIL.    Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û        (e.g. MiC mixed with DD 5.1 and for Regulary just MiC)          Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û  So in most cases these type of releases will contrain a 5.1 digital   Û Û
 Û Û  track, with all surround effects included from the original track.    Û Û
 Û Û  Center channel is the only thing in the original audio track, which   Û Û
 Û Û  has been replaced with our MiC audio. Leaving us all with a Very      Û Û
 Û Û  watchable and none of the less Enjoyable release.                     Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û  Now for the tagging part. We suggest we lable these type of releases  Û Û
 Û Û  Releasename.DANíSH.DVDSCR.MiC.format-Group, even if video source isn`tÛ Û
 Û Û  from a real DVDSCR. We see these DVDSCR.MiC as a earlie preveiw copy  Û Û
 Û Û  for those that simply can`t wait for a REAL DVDSCR. So to avoide a    Û Û
 Û Û  bunch of new tags and alot of confusion, we suggest everyone lable    Û Û
 Û Û  these MiC releases DVDSCR.MiC - Even if video is from R5 or Retail.   Û Û
 Û Û  So basicly you can see it like this, the best avalible source for a   Û Û
 Û Û  MiC release wins the race. Just remember to add "Video" to your nfo   Û Û
 Û Û  and write what type of video source you used for the release. If firstÛ Û
 Û Û  source is Fullscreen, then Widescreen release is of couse welcome.    Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û  We would also like to make it clear, that this new MiC tag only goes  Û Û
 Û Û  for DVDSCR.MiC - So NO TS.MiC, TC.MiC tags.. We don`t want to change  Û Û
 Û Û  the scenes values. TS and TC`s still need DIRECT AUDIO, to be labled  Û Û
 Û Û  as one. If you got any questions or something you're not sure about   Û Û
 Û Û  you`re more than welcome to contact us. So far, we hope you'll enjoy  Û Û
 Û Û  this and our future DVDSCR.MiC releases. Enjoy! :)                    Û Û  
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û                      mmmh... Skyllet Vaek...                           Û Û
 Û Û                       Expect more soon! ;)                             Û Û
 Û Û°                                                                      °Û Û
 Û Û±°°                 M A D E  i N  D E N M A R K                      °°±Û Û
 Û Û²²±±°°°                                                          °°°±±²²Û Û
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 Û Ûßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
 Û Û                                                                        ° Û
 Û Û                            Group notes                                 ± Û
 Û Û                                                                        ² Û
 Û Û                We seek DANiSH and NORDiC suppliers!                    Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û             Contact us at E-Mail: [email protected]                 Û Û
 Û Û                                                                        Û Û
 Û Û°                      Greetings fly out to                            °Û Û
 Û Û°                                                                      °Û Û
 Û Û±°°        All the wonderful danes and people in the world.          °°±Û Û
 Û Û²²±±°°°                                                          °°°±±²²Û Û
 Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Û
 Û              ascii by webpige0 of Superior Art Creations 2005!             Û