Andy Barker PI S01E01 Pilot *XviD* - DVD SCR - MEMETiC
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              meme; the ability to duplicate patterns of
                     information from one individual into the mind of
   ________                            another individual!
     _______                                   .
     \   _ _\  ______.___ ___________          :_______.___ ___________
      \     \\/___   |   \\_________/ _______  /___    |   \\_________/
       \     \/      |     ___/_____ /  _ ___\//       |     ___/_____
 ._ ____\     \      |    _/        \        \/.       |    _/        \ ___.
 | \\_________/      |___:__________/       /  |       |___:__________//   |
 |            |______|           _/________/   :       |                   |
 |                              ________.      |      //_______________    |
 |                             /        |______|       |   ___        /    |
 |  "(  m E M E T i c  )"     /         :_____/_       |      \______/__   |
 |_.                         /        ._/       \      |    _/          \  |
._.|______________________ _ \________:_________/      |___:____________/__|
|_|                                            |       |
             ...                               ._______.
             :::         memory pattern detected..
       . ...  _  ... .
       : ::: (_) ::: :     - Andy Barker PI
             ...                     will be transferred
             ...                          into your  m i n d !
   __ _________________________________________________________________ __
  _\ \\                                                               // /_
  \\\ \\                    .USEFUL iNFORMATiON.                     // ///
                Series.......: Andy Barker PI - s01e01 - Pilot
                Channel......: NBC?
                Genre........: Comedy/Action
                Release date.: 12/03/07
                Air date.....:
                Source.......: DVD SCREENER
                Format.......: NTSC
                Language.....: ENGLiSH
                Quality......: XviD 2-Pass VBR
                Resolution...: 512x320
                Size.........: 13x15mb
                Runtime......: 23 mins 13 secs
           Andy Barker, a happy and successful Certified Public        
           Accountant, decides to take a risk and open his own         
           accounting business, but later decides to become a great    
           Private Investigator, also after he moves into the office   
           of Lew Staziak, a former P.I.                               
           Quality of these episodes are NOT mint, and the source is   
           only a promo dvd. Please have this in mind :)               

   __ _________________________________________________________________ __
  _\ \\                                                               // /_
  \\\ \\                         .GREETiNGS.                         // ///
           AniVCD, Centropy, CRNTV, DST, FoV, MirageTV, SD-6, SFM
  ._.| ||                                                           || |._.
 .| || ||                 ..... M E M E T i C .....                 || || |.
ascii: +sD+ of pro^arts!