Austin Powers 3: In GoldMember *XviD* - DVDRIP - DVL
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           Digital Video Labs      
                                       ° ±  ±              
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                      ßß         ±±±±°        ±°°±°      Proudly Presents...
                                °    °°      °   °                   
        ÛÛ²±° ° [Release Info] °  °                        °  ° °±²ÛÛ
        Û                                                           Û
        Û        Austin.Powers.In.Goldmember.DVDRip.XviD-DVL        Û
        Û                                                           Û
        Û²±° °  °°   °                                      °  ° °±²Û
        ²                                                           ²
        ±  Release date: 10/11/02   Video Bitrate: 895 kbit         ±
        °  Retail date:  12/03/02   Audio Quality: -r3mix
           Genre:        comedy     Video Resolution: 608 x 256     °
           Codec Type:   xvid       Size:          50x15mb
        °  DVD Runtime:  94 mins    Framerate:     23.976 fps
           IMDB Rating:  6.7/10     Subtitles:     n/a              °
        ²                                                           ²
        ÛÛ²±° °  °    °                                    °  ° °±²ÛÛ
        Û²±°° ° [Theatre Date] °                            °  ° °±²Û
        ²                                                           ²
        ±  Theatre date: july 28th 2002 (3613 Screens)              ±
        °                                                           °
        Û²±° °  [Plot Summary] °                            °  ° °±²Û
        ²                                                           ²
        ±  Upon learning that his father has been kidnapped,
           Austin Powers must travel to 1975 and defeat the aptly-
           named villain Goldmember - who is working with Dr. Evil. ±
        ²                                                           ²
        Û²±°  ° [Cast] °  °                                 °  ° °±²Û
        ²                                                           ²
        ±  Mike Myers ....  Austin Powers/Dr. Evil/Fat Bastard/
           Beyonce Knowles ....  Foxxy Cleopatra, CIA 
           Michael Caine ....  Nigel Powers, Int'l Man of Mystery 
           Seth Green ....  Scott Evil 
           Verne Troyer ....  Mini-Me 
        ±                         ±
        ²                                                           ²
        ÛÛ²±° °  °    °                                    °  ° °±²ÛÛ
        Û²±°° ° [Additional Info] °                         °  ° °±²Û
        ²                                                           ²
        ±  [sarcasm] Here's another dvd screener for you to view,
           not only is it missing subtitles but this time it has
           commentaries, extras, infinifilm features, 5.1 dd, and
           6.1 dts audio on the disc! We released this to match the
           number of releases we had last month since we're going
           "nowhere" but hey, it's about quantity not quality right?
           [/sarcasm] On a more serious note, this is the actual
           retail which is due in december. Download the dvd-r for
           proof, the dvd had 0 language subtitles so what does not
           exist can not be provided. Here's what was on the disc:
           - 6.1 dts english, 5.1 dd english, 2.0 ch commentary.
           - infinifilm features, infinifilm softcoded dialogs
           - deleted scenes, outtakes, trailers, music videos, and
             various interviews and documentaries on the film.
           Apparently some groups are soooooo bright that when we
           accused them of ripping off our dvdr's to do SOME of
           their rels they assumed we meant that they rip off ALL
           of their rels from every other groups' DVDR's. Anyway, I
           guess we won't be seeing an xvid int. of this since we
           didn't choose to rip it as divx. Last but not least, a
           note to DiAMOND... please stop mislabeling FS foriegn
           retail rips as dvd screeners, we don't know if you think
           that'll make it more accepted on sites but here's the
           proof of where your unfaithful came from:
           And like we said, FOX doesn't do dvd screeners :)
        °                                                           °
        Û²±°° ° [GROUP NEWS] °                              °  ° °±²Û
        ²                                                           ²
        ±  - Pre-Store DVD/Telesync/Telecine/SCREENER Suppliers...  ±
        °  - 100Mbit+ 60GB+ *nix box owners for EXCLUSiVE usage...  °
           - Shell boxes on a 10Mbit+ Line...
           - Legit Hardware Suppliers...
           - PAL Digital Video Camera Supplier...
             irc: #none  contact: [email protected]
        °                                                           °
        Û²±° °  °[GREETS]°                                  °  ° °±²Û
        ²                                                           ²
        ±  We want to send a special thanks to our friends at TCF!  ±
        °   BooZerS * ESOTERiC * FEVER * SPiCE * MaST3rS * pHASE... °
        Û                                                           ²
        ÛÛ²±°° °  °                                        °   ° °±²Û
        ²                                                           ²
        ± 122701 Two.Can.Play.That.Game.PROPER.DVDRip.DivX-DVL      ±
        ° 122701 The.Fast.And.The.Furious.DVDRip.DivX.iNTERNAL-DVL  °
          122901 The.Glass.House.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          123001 Greenfingers.Limited.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          010702 American.Pie.2.UNRATED.READ.NFO.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
               - American.Pie.2.Extras.iNTERNAL.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          011202 Tortilla.Soup.Limited.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          011802 The.Anniversary.Party.2001.Limited.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          012302 The.Lord.Of.The.Rings.Fellowship.Of.The.Ring.DVD.
          012302 The.Lord.Of.The.Rings.Fellowship.Of.The.Ring.
                 -3CD 640x272 1140kbit SBC 448Kbit 5.1 AC3
          021202 The.Others.iNTERNAL.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          021402 Oceans.Eleven.DVD.SCREENER.DivX-DVL
          021602 Vampire.Hunter.D.2000.Limited.DVDRip.Dubbed.DivX-DVL
          021802 Harry.Potter.&.The.Sorcerers.Stone.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          021802 Harry.Potter.&.The.Sorcerers.Stone.REPACK.DVDRip.
          030102 Heist.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          030802 Training.Day.PROPER.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          041102 Attic.Expeditions.Limited.DVD.SCREENER.DivX-DVL
          050202 Get.Well.Soon.Limited.READ.NFO.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          050302 Monsters.Ball.RETAiL.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          050502 I.Am.Sam.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          050802 Deuces.Wild.DVD.SCREENER.DivX-DVL
          052402 The.Lord.Of.The.Rings.Fellowship.Of.The.Ring.DVD
          052902 Me.Without.You.Limited.DVDRip.FiNAL.PROPER.DivX-DVL
          061202 Business.Of.Strangers.Limited.DVD.SCREENER.DivX-DVL
          061902 Kung.Pow.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          061902 The.Affair.Of.The.Necklace.Limited.DVDRip.DivX-DVL  
          062102 The.Royal.Tenenbaums.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          070502 Super.Troopers.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          070702 Blade.2.RETAiL.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          070902 Crossroads.iNTERNAL.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
                 -1CD 640x352 825kbit SBC 192kbit 2.0 AC3
          071202 All.About.The.Benjamins.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          072002 Spirited.Away.Limited.READ.NFO.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          072002 Joe.Somebody.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          072102 Van.Wilder.UNRATED.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          072302 Showtime.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          072402 Deuces.Wild.DVDRip.XviD-DVL
                 -1CD 640x352 880kbit XviD 128kbit VBR MP3
          072502 Queen.Of.The.Damned.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          080502 Frailty.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          080502 High.Crimes.iNTERNAL.DVDRip.DiVX-DVL
                 -2CD 620x272 1212kbit SBC 384kbit 5.1 AC3
          081102 Murd3r.8y.Num8ers.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          082902 Star.Wars.Episode.II.DVDRip.XviD-DVL
          083002 Death.To.Smootchy.FS.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          092002 Spider-Man.With.Extras.iNTERNAL.FS.DVDRip.XviD-DVL
                 -3CD 448x336 1162kbit XviD 448kbit 5.1 AC3
          092202 Scooby-Doo.iNTERNAL.FS.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
                 -1CD 448x336 964kbit SBC 128kbit VBR MP3
          092602 Life.Or.Something.Like.It.DVDRip.DivX-DVL
          100602 Insomnia.DVDRip.XviD.CD1.SYNC.FiX.FOR.DEiTY.RLS-DVL
          101102 Austin.Powers.In.Goldmember.DVDRip.XviD-DVL