Seven Shadows Volume 2 (2006) *XviD* - DVDRIP - AEROHOLiCS
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(__________________\ _)                      .;/    1999-2007+    )   /__
                   //     -  AEROHOLiCS  -  -(-=+-- -                  /
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    ________________ _________________________ : O  _______________/_
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_(.                -->>  THE AEROHOLiCS BRiNG YOU ToDAY <<--              .)_
|                                                                           |
|         *** Seven.Shadows.Volume.2.2006.DVDRip.XviD-AEROHOLiCS ***        |
| ......................................................................... |
| Release Date          30th May 2007  Supplier/Ripper           AEROHOLiCS |
| DVD Street Date                2006  Language                     English |
| IMDB Rating                     N/A  Produced by           Royal Elastics |
| Movie Runtime              01:12:51  Location                   Australia |
| Movie Size          698 MB/49x15 MB  Subtitles                        N/A |
| Extras                          N/A  DVD Covers           300dpi included |
| Filenames                ahs-ssv2.*  Style/Genre         Breakdance Video |
| ......................................................................... |
| Video Codec               XviD 1.03  Audio Codec           MP3 Lame 3.90a |
| Video Bitrate             1172 kb/s  Audio Bitrate     159kb/s VBR Stereo |
| Video Framrate            29,97 fps  Video Resolution             512x384 |
| Aspect Ratio                 1.33:1  DVD Source           NTSC Regionfree |
| Source Information      Retail DVD5  DVD Original                     4:3 |
|                                                                           |
| Info/URL:                            |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           x
| .                                        . x(XXx ,xXXx,                ,xXXX
(__                                     ___)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~
 (_(____________________________________) ___)                             X
     (____________________________________)    ..............RELEASE NOTES X
                 ..)¼¼¼(.  'xxX                                            Xx
                .½½½¼½¼.   -~X~   Seven Shadows Volume 2  (2006/Australia) ~X
                 ½½½¼½½.xXXXXXX   ........................................  X
                 ¼¼½¼½¼¼½¼¼½½½X                                             X
       ____ _    !¼¼__ .__¼½¼½'   Today we bring you a nice breakdancing    X
    ___ _____   '½__)(__/¼¼'    video from Australia!                     X
  · _____  _   ('½¼  -  ¼' )X                                             X
    _ _)    _ '--o'__/.X   Seven Shadows started from the ball of    X
_____ \      __///)  >  (X   energy and creativity which gave kids a   X
_ __ _   ___ . !_/   / / __ chance to express their emotions through  X
_\   ___(__) /    / <  !  / talent in the form dance/mc-ing/graffing  X
 _   ·(___/ _/ |  _/  _)(_X   and dj-ing. With an out-stretched arm it  X
  .   (__/__) /---____  X   was a way for them to reach a greater     X
       ·  '-'  !-)    _ (    X   audience and to show everyone whats       X
       Mt      _/     /   _/X   happening in the real world of hiphop     X
     ·        _/      (____)) X   and not the commercial side of the big    X
               _ _ _ __!_ X   industry. Being from this perspective,    X
                    X   it has appealed to a mass of dedicated    X
               .-,------------X   underground multicultural people and also X
               |#|            X   an array of mainstream followers.         X
               |#|            X                                             X
               |#|            X   Seven Shadows is for the people and more  X
               |#|            X   importantly Seven Shadows is the people   X
               |#|            X   and it represents all of us in the        X
               |#|            X   freshest way possible doing our thing     X
               |#|            X   called bboying seven days of the week,    X
               |#|            X   in seven continents around the world.     X
               |#|            X   Seven Shadows is a strong foundation for  X
               |#|            X   the hiphop community in Australia and     X
               |#|            X   New Zealand, but also around the globe    X
               |#|            X   in that sense the Seven Shadows family    X
               |#|            X   of positive and creative individuals      X
               |#|            X   will always grow bigger and stronger with X
               |#|            X   every year passing till its unstoppable.  X
               |#|            X                                             X
               |#|            X   Seven Shadows Volume 2 is based on the    X
               |#|            X   freshest bboying from around around the   X
               |#|            X   globe, its one of the most complete dance X
               |#|            X   DVD experiences to ever hit Australia.    X
               |#|            X                                             X
               |#|            X   Featuring some of the worlds best bboy's, X
               |#|            X   lockers, poppers and funk stylists incl.  X
               |#|            X   Lilou, Kamel, Mr Animation, Machine,      X
               |#|            X   Rubber Legs, Lama, Hong 10, Yogi, Wongo,  X
               |#|            X   Jr Boogaloo, Legend, The Bogart, Legacy   X
               |#|            X   and many more...                          X
               |#|            X                                             X
               |#|            X   This is a visual diary with an unbiased   X
               |#|            X   view of the art of dance, incorporating   X
               |#|            X   all elements of hip hop and street life.  X
               |#|            X                                             X
               |#|            X                                             X
               |#|            X   Enjoy another nice release!               X
               |#|            X                                AEROHOLiCS   X
    ___________|#:            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx.          ,xXX
   |#|           '                                          |####XXXXXXXXXXXX~
   |#|  Seven Shadows Volume 2 (c) 2006 Australia           |#|-----'
   |#|  --------------------------------------------------- |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  Dancers:........................................... |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  Lilou, Kamel, Mr Animation, Machine, Rubber Legs,   |#|
   |#|  Lama, Hong 10, Yogi, Wongo, Jr Boogaloo, Legend,    |#|
   |#|  The Bogart, Legacy and many more.                   |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  Release Notes:..................................... |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  Please enjoy this breakdance video, and have a good |#|
   |#|  time watching this action...                        |#|
   |#|  There are some nice ladies too                   |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  Rip related info.                                   |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  There are plenty of scenes with black borders, but  |#|
   |#|  there is also alot material which was fullscreen,   |#|
   |#|  therefor we've just cropped it to possible max.     |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  There are also some scenes with oldschool footage,  |#|
   |#|  which obviously are in lower quality.               |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  A couple mins of extra material is available at the |#|
   |#|  end of the video.                                   |#|
   |#|                                                      |#|
   |#|  Watch out for more nice videos & books real soon.   |#|             X
   |#|  Stay tuned and greets to all our friends!           |#|           ,XXX
   |#|                                                      |#|XXXXXXXXXXXXXX~
   '#|  AEROHOLiCS - Reclaim' the streets 2007!             |#'            XX
   |#|_______________________________X_____________________;|.              X
   '       ____________________   /XXX                                     X
        ,¼¡½·_.   ___________//  /  X  AEROHOLiCS are only interested in   X
      ·¼½¼½¼½¼,-    _    _ __/       X  graffiti, streetart & design/art    X
     ·¼½¼½¼½¼½¼! __ __  ____     X  related magazines, books, dvd/vhs   X
    _¼¼¼¼'  )¼¼. ¢        __       X  videos and tv documentations.       X
   (__¼( ¼' (__)_       __//      X  Check out our eBook releases for    X
___/_(/___./_)_/  /_)_        _     X  the complete history release list.  X
(____/_)   / _ )  /__/   _ __//    Xx  Want to say something? Get in touch X
(_____     (__ )__              X/  with us at! X
 '--'(__ ___/( '---'           ____/   THE AEROHOLiCS CREW - WORLDWiDE!    X
.-----  '---' ----- -- ->>_ __/                                            X
|        __   Mt)  __.     ___ GREETS FLY OUT TO:  ALL AEROHOLiCS FANS   .
`--.----. ,____(--------- --'    .YARD.sour.GREiD.bASS.kHzViD.VENOM.YARDViD._
  )_____ ¡____/       _         .PHT.RS.soup.XTC.TrT.FTD.ouzo.DEF.CMSVCD. //
_                      __       .LOW pROFiLE!.dS!.DCS.uP rOUGH.AEROSOL. __/_
__ ____________________                                       ___ _______/
 _______________________/_ from the streets - for the streets_ _________
/________________________  /     (c) AEROHOLICS 1999 - 2oo7+  /_____________/