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                                   Movie Info:  
   The life story of Hector Lavoe who started the salsa movement in 1975 and 
   brought it to the United States. 
   xvid was nuked for missing subs and bad AR and bad ivtc and bad smelling...
   the video does have subs, you can see them under the time stamp LOL, but anyways
   WORKPRINT are unfinished movies. we take what we can get. enjoy the SVCD
   for those who still watch them  
                                   Group Info:
                Thanks to Da Mayor for making this one possible!                              
                      (and your slow ass connection....lol)   
                   Burrito. Taco taco. Burrito. Taco. Taco taco. 
                   Don't think just because I got a lot of money,
                   I'll give you taco-flavored kisses, honey.    
                   Fulfill all your wishes                       
                   with my taco-flavored kisses.                 
                   Taco taco. Burrito burrito. Taco taco.        
                   Fulfill all your wishes                       
                   with my taco-flavored kisses! Taco taco.      