Twilight Zone The Movie (1983) HDDVD VC1 720P 5 1 WMV - DVDRIP - NOVO
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                    лллллл   ллллл    ллллллл    ллллл   ллллл    ллллллл   
                   ААлллллл ААллл   лллАААААллл ААллл   ААллл   лллАААААллл 
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                    ллллл  ААллллл АААлллллллА      ААллл      АААлллллллА  
                    ААААА    ААААА    ААААААА         ААА         ААААААА    
      | M O V I E |
  Title................................: Twilight Zone: The MOvie
  Release year.........................: 1983
  Language.............................: English
  Runtime..............................: 101 minutes
  Genre................................: Horror / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller
  IMDb rating..........................: 6.2/10
  Link 1...............................:
  Source...............................: HD DVD
  Size.................................: DVD9
     | Video |
  Container............................: WMV
  Video codec..........................: VC1
  Bitrate..............................: 10450 kbps
  Aspect ratio.........................: 1.85:1
  Resolution...........................: 720P
     | Audio |
  Audio................................: 640kb 48kHz 24bit
  Audio channels.......................: 5.1
  Bitrate..............................: 14956 kbps
  Number of audio streams..............: 1
  Audio stream language/s..............: English
| RIP Information |
  Video................................: Re-encoded
  Audio................................: Re-encoded
  Menus................................: removed
  Extras...............................: removed
  Subtitles............................: removed
| Information |
  Released by..........................: NOVO
  Compression method...................: RAR
  File size............................: 100mb
  Number of files......................: 86
| Plot summary |
Four horror/sci-fi segments directed by four famous directors which are their own versions of classic stories from Rod Serling's landmark television series.
| Ripper note |
*Greetz to Iguana, BamHD, Smeg, Deviant...and all the WMVHD supporters.
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