Steel Toes (2006) *PROPER* *LIMITED* *XviD* - DVDRIP - iNTiMiD
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       ;'    (_,-:     _,::     .|     Steel.Toes.2006.Proper.Limited.DVDRiP.XviD-iNTiMiD
      ;       ( , ) _,':::'    ,;       Release Date: 2007.11.11           Runtime: 90min 36sec
     ;         )-,;'  `:'     .::        DVD Date: 2007.09.04               Rating: 5.9/10 (193 votes)
     |         `'  ;         `:::        Theater Date: 2007.05.?? (Limited)
     :       ,'    '            `:        Genre: Drama
     ;:    '  _,-':         .'     `-.      Language: English
      ';::..,'  ' ,        `   ,__    `.
        `;''   / ;           _;_,-'     `.    Video: 939 kbps xvid               Packed: 49x15mb
              /            _;--.              Audio: 128 kbps vbr mp3            Subs:
            ,'            / ,'  `.             Resolution: 640x368 (1.74:1)
           /:            (_(   ,'          )
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         (::..                 `-' "`""'       Plot Summary: Academy Award nominated David
         ;::::.                            __  Strathairn portrays Danny Dunkleman, a Jewish
         ,::::::.            .:'    )    ,-'  ) liberal humanist, and the court-appointed lawyer
        /  `;:::::::'`__,:.:::'    /`---'   ,'  representing Mike Downey (Andrew Walker), a Neo-
       ;    `""""'   (  :::'     /     _,-'    Nazi skinhead on trial for the racially motivated
       ;                :'    ,';:.,-'        murder of an East Indian immigrant. STEEL TOES
       (              :  )    (                takes us into the intense and fiery relationship
        `.                    ;               that develops between these two men as they explore
          `-.___       : ,   (                their emotional and intellectual differences.
            (,(,---;;;;;   |;;          
                                                Aaron Grunfeld ..........Danny (young)
                                                Ron Lea .................Interviewer
                                                Joel Miller .............Danny's father
                                                Marina Orsini ...........Anna Dunkelman
                                                Michael Rudder ..........Sam
                                                Ivana Shein .............Jill
                                                Ivan Smith ..............Vikram
                                                Linda Smith .............Barabara
                                                David Strathairn ........Danny Dunckelman
                                                Daniel Tirado ...........Actor
                                                Eric Vachon .............Squeegee Kid
                                                Andrew W. Walker ........Mike
                                                Directed by:
                                                Mark Adam
                                                David Gow
                                                Release Notes: SaGa's rip was out of sync, and
                                                undercropped on the left and right side. Sample's
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