Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium *XViD* - CAM - CAMERA
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 sac /          _     ____\      | \/ | \|  ________\    |\    \|    ____\  |
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                |  camera  | | X |
                |   07'    | | X |
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                                   Movie Info:  
   Molly Mahoney (Portman) is the awkward and insecure manager of Mr. Magorium's
   Wonder Emporium, the strangest, most fantastic, most wonderful toy store in the
   world. But when Mr. Magorium, the 243 year-old eccentric who owns the store
   (Hoffman), bequeaths the store to her, a dark and ominous change begins to take
   over the once remarkable Emporium. 
                                   Group Info:
   Src has every other frame dupe. This is why the framerate is low. no dupe
   frames. Src sample included
              For all the people who watch CAM's Smoke up and enjoy!!!       