Shoot Em Up (2007) *NTSC* - DVDRIP - MiND
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                           ..::( Proudly Present )::..
              ..::[     Shoot.Em.Up.2007.NTSC.DVDR-MiND    ]::..
                  ---- ---------------------+ ------------
          REL. DATE: Dec. 16, 2007      RETAiL DATE: Jan. 1, 2008
          SCREEN FORMAT: WS             DVD EXTRAS: Yes 
          MENU: Yes                     DOWNSAMPLED: Yes
          PLAYTiME: 126 min             BiTRATES: 3600 kbps
          iMAGE TYPE: IMG               Passes: 6 
          FiLES: 95 x 50 MB             AUDiO: ENGLiSH DD5.1 [x]
          SOURCE: R1 Retail                    ENGLiSH DD2.0 [ ]
          SUBTiTLES: ENGLiSH [x]               FReNCH  DD5.1 [ ]
                     FReNCH  [x]               FReNCH  DD2.0 [ ]
                     SPANiSH [ ]               SPANiSH DD2.0 [ ]
                     OTHERS  [ ]               OTHERS        [x]
          GENRE      : Action / Adventure / Comedy / Crime / Thriller
          iMDB Link  :
          iMDB RATiNG: 7.4/10 (13,002 votes)
                              ..::[ Extra ]::..
	- Deleted/Alternate Scenes		    [KEPT]
	- Commentary				    [KEPT]
	- Ballet Of Bullets: Making Shoot 'Em Up    [KEPT]
	- Animatics				    [KEPT]	
	- Trailers                                  [KEPT]
	- Sneak Peaks                               [KEPT]
                              ..::[ NOTES ]::..
           No name, no past, nothing to lose.
           A gritty, fast-paced action thriller, Shoot 'Em Up kicks 
           into high gear with a memorable opening scene and never 
           relents. Clive Owen stars as Mr. Smith, a mysterious 
           loner who teams up with an unlikely ally (Monica Belluci) 
           to protect a newborn baby from a determined criminal 
           (Paul Giamatti) who hunts them throughout the bowels 
           of the city.
                           ..::[ GROUP NOTES ]::..
	   All extras remain in tact re-encoded at 1700 kbps.	
            Accepting affils: 100mbit+ .PL - .UK - .NL - .CZ - .SI

|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:..  \/ // | ||/| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V2.0:|