Jackass 2 5 *UNRATED* *NTSC* - DVDRIP - ANOMiC
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Proudly Presents.... 
                              ¯ Realease Info
    Rip Date...........:12/19/07
    Store Date.........:12/26/07 
    Region.............:R1 NTSC
    Video..............:Main Mov. Untouched; Extras @ 6 pass CCE 
    Audio..............:Eng 2ch 
    Size...............:94x50mb = 4.3gb
    Stripped...........:The making of Jackass the game 
                              ¯ Plot Info 
	When all the guys got together to make jackass number 
	two, they filmed more than a movie-they filmed a movie and a half. 
	Maybe even two. The problem was only 90 minutes of the resulting 
	mess could be used in the feature, leaving almost an hour of 
	movie-worthy s*** on the proverbial cutting room floor..
	iMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1117523/
                              ¯ Realease Notes
	Left some extras in there the making of jackas 2.5 as well as 
	bonus segments and stunts and a photo gallery funny shit hope you 
	enjoy we did.......
                              ¯ Group Notes
	Merry Christmas.....
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|                             NFO Created By> Omega               | =========  - -
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