Surviving My Mother RERIP *LiMiTED* *XVID* - DVDRIP - iGNITE
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                  \__\/         \__\/                                 \__\/    
	    There is No Finish Line!!!!!
  Proudly Presents = Surviving.My.Mother.RERIP.LiMiTED.DVDRIP.XVID-iGNiTE
Resolution..............: 608x352
Aspect Ratio............: 16:9
Audio...................: VBR 144kbps
Language................: English
Format..................: XVID
No of Discs.............: 1
Ripper..................: iGNiTE
Run Time................: 95 Mins
Genre...................: Comedy/Drama
IMDB Rating.............: 4.4/10
IMDB Link...............:
                 #### Rippers Notes ####
Very Confusing source.
Encoding has been fixed and there should be no bad ivtc
~ Enjoy
	           #### Synopsis ####
Surviving My Mother takes us on a painfully funny journey
as a mother decides to get involved in the dramatic
life of her 21-year-old daughter.
		   #### Group News ####
iGNiTE is a group dedicated to XVIDS. We do XVIDS because we love them.
We Would like to remind that We Do Not Use Other Peoples work for our own.
Everything that we release is owned by us.We have our own sources and rippers.
Our Stuff is meant for the scene and to our AFFILS.
We Donot like distribution of our releases through p2ps.
		 ### Quote of the week ###
         "The Evil that men do lives after them"
		    iGNiTE is Looking for
         AFFILS * Suppliers * Exp Rippers * Dump Boxes 
contact us @ [email protected]

		  ###### Greetings #######
   To Everyone who Makes the SCENE and to our AFFILS!!