Accidental Hero *PAL* - DVDRIP - SuBLiME
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 °    ±Û°°°°°°°±²²²²±°            [P R E S E N T S ]                         °
 °    °Û²°°±±²²²²±                                                           °
 °     ±Û²²Û²±                     Accidental Hero                           °
 °      ±±°                                                                  °
 °                   RELEASE DATE.....:  10/30/02                            °
 °                   MOViE YEAR ......:  1992                                °
 °                   GENRE............:  Comedy/Drama                        °
 °                   DVD REL DATE.....:  05/25/99                            °
 °                   iMAGE TYPE.......:  *.iMG                               °
 °                   PLAY TIME........:  113 minutes                         °
 °                   PACKAGE TYPE.....:  93x50 MB                            °
 °                   RELEASE SiZE.....:  4,28 GB ( 4.602.523.452 Bytes )     °
 °                   iMDB.............:    °
 °                                                                           °
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 ²                        ° ÀÙ ÀÁÄÁÄÁÁÄÙ ÀÙÀÄÁÄÙÀÙ  °                        ²
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   Bernie Laplante is having a rough time. He's divorced,  his ex-wife     °
 °   hates him and has custody of their son, the cops are setting a trap     °
 °   for him, then to top it all, he loses a shoe whilst rescuing            °
 °   passengers of a crashed jet. Being a thief who is down on his luck,     °
 °   Bernie takes advantage of the crash, but then someone else claims       °
 °   credit for the rescue.                                                  °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   Dustin Hoffman ............ Bernard `Bernie' Laplante                   °
 °   Geena Davis ............... Gale Gayley, Channel 4 News Report          °
 °   Andy Garcia ............... John Bubber                                 °
 °   Joan Cusack ............... Evelyn Laplante                             °
 °   Kevin J. O'Connor ......... Chucky, Channel 4 News Cameraman            °
 °   Maury Chaykin ............. Winston, Bernie's Landlord                  °
 °   Stephen Tobolowsky ........ James Wallace, Channel 4 Station Manager    °
 °   Christian Clemenson ....... James Conklin, Channel 4 News Reporter      °
 °   Tom Arnold ................ Chick, the Bartender                        °
 °   Warren Berlinger .......... Judge Goines                                °
 °   Cady Huffman .............. Flight Attendant Leslie Sugar               °
 °   Susie Cusack .............. Donna O'Day, Bernie's Public Defender       °
 °   James Madio ............... Joey Laplante, Bernie's Son                 °
 °   Richard Riehle ............ Robinson, Bernie's Boss                     °
 °   Daniel Baldwin ............ Fireman Denton (as Daniel Leroy Baldwin)    °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
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 ²²                        ° ÚÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄ¿ ÚÂÄÂÄÂÄ¿ °                         ²²
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 ²                         ° ÀÙ ÀÁÄÁÁÁÄÙ ÀÁÁÁÙÀÄÙ °                          ²
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   AUDIO.........: [ ] DD 2.0      [X] English [X] Italian                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.0 Mono [X] French  [ ] Norwegian               °
 °                   [X] DD 2.1      [X] German  [ ] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.0      [X] Spanish [ ] Directory Comentary     °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.1      [ ] Danish  [ ] Other                   °
 °                   [ ] DD 6.1 DTS  [ ] Dutch       [ ]                     °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SOURCE........: [X] DVD Retail  [ ] DVD5                                °
 °                   [ ] PRE DVD     [X] DVD9                                °
 °                                                                           °
 °   DVD EXTRAS....: [ ] All Included                                        °
 °                   [ ] Partial Stripped                                    °
 °                   [X] Fully Stripped                                      °
 °                                                                           °
 °   VIDEO.........: [X] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Re-Encoded                                          °
 °                       [ ] Passes                                          °
 °                   Bitrate [ ]                                             °
 °                   [ ] Q Factor [ ]                                        °
 °                                                                           °
 °   MENU..........: [X] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Stripped                                            °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SUBTITLES.....: [ ] (None)                  [X] Swedish                 °
 °                   [X] English                 [X] Danish                  °
 °                   [ ] English For Bad Hearing [X] Norwegian               °
 °                   [X] French                  [X] Finnish                 °
 °                   [X] German                  [ ] Russian                 °
 °                   [X] Dutch                   [X] Icelandic               °
 °                   [X] Spanish                 [X] Hindi                   °
 °                   [X] Hebrew                  [ ] Other                   °
 °                   [ ] Greek                       [ ]                     °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   REGION........: [X] PAL                                                 °
 °                   [ ] NTSC                                                °
 °                   [X] Region Free                                         °
 °                   [X] Macro Vision Free                                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9 Anamorphic                                     °
 °                   [X] 16:9 Letterbox                                      °
 °                   [ ] 16:9 Widescreen                                     °
 °                   [ ]  4:3 Fullscreen                                     °
 °                                                                           °
 °   OTHER NOTES...: Extras were stripped.                                  °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 ²                                                                           ²
 ²²                        ° ÚÄÂÄÂÄÂÂÂÄ¿ ÚÂÄÂÄÂÄ¿ °                         ²²
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 ²                         ° ÀÄÁÁÁÄÁÄÁÙ  ÀÁÁÁÙÀÄÙ °                          ²
 °                                                                           °
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