Anamorph (2007) *PROPER* R5 *XVID* - R5 - iGNITE
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		There is No Finish Line!!!!!
  Proudly Presents = Anamorph.2007.PROPER.R5.XVID-iGNiTE
Resolution..............: 656x368
Audio...................: VBR 128kbps [ Studio Audio]
Aspect Ratio............: 16:9
Format..................: XVID
Ripper..................: iGNiTE
Language................: English
No of Discs.............: 1
Type....................: XVID
Run Time................: 103 Mins
IMDB Rating.............: 8.3/10
Genre...................: Thriller
################################## Notes### #################################
Dominos release got nuked for bad ivtc 
Ours is a proper one
`Enjoy The Release
With more to come :)
################################## Synopsis #################################
A psychological thriller based on the concept of anamorphosis, 
a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective
to create two competing images on a single canvas.
################################# Group News #################################
iGNiTE is a group dedicated to XVIDS. We do XVIDS because we love them.
We Would like to remind that We Do Not Use Other Peoples work for our own.
Everything that we release is owned by us.We have our own sources and rippers.
Our Stuff is meant for the members of the scene and for our AFFILS.
We Donot like distribution of our releases through p2ps,fxpboards etc.
Please don't email us asking for rar passwords or to fill incomplete
releases. We are not affil with any web/newsgroup etc.			              
############################# Quote Of The week ##############################
The world is a shit place filled with shit and greedy people. This is the
reason why we come back to the scene because the laws and rules are
perfect.We hate the outside world and would remain underground till each
one of us die.
Now Playing - Guns N Roses ~ Paradise City :)              
########################### iGNiTE is Looking For: ###########################
                       *** Looking for AFFiLS[.EU] ***
	 ***** Supplies for DVD Retail/DVDSCR/R5/Line audio Suppliers *****
			  ***  RIP Boxes [50mbit+]   ***
Help us and we will help you 
      contact Us @
################################# Greetings! #################################
    To Everyone Who Makes The SCENE and To Our AFFiLS,RACERS & FRiENDS