Armageddon 1998 - DVDRIP - DNA
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       ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~           ~!!!!!!!~     ~!!!!!!!~        ~!!!!!!!!~
      ~!M$$$$$$$$$$$MM!!~       !M$$$$$$$M!    !M$$$$$M!~      ~!M$$$$$$$M~
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     ~M$~             !$$M!~   !$M       $M!  !$!     $M~     !M$!       $M~
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    ~M$      $$MM$$$~      $M!!$!          $$M$!     $M~   !M$!          !$!
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 ~!MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!~       !!MMMMM!~      !!MMMMM!!!!MMMMMM!~       ~!MMMMMM!~
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~          ~~~~~    ~~~~~~           ~~~~~~ 
      P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S    A N O T H E R    D V D - R I P        
       	        -->    Armageddon.1998.PAL.DVDR-DNA    <--
    Ý                                                                    Ý                                                    
    Ý  Release Date : 10/30/2002                                         Ý
    Ý  Playtime     : 02:24:40                                           Ý
    Ý  Genre        : Action / Romance / Sci-Fi / Thriller               Ý
    Ý  User Rating  : 5.7/10 (27,676 votes)                              Ý
    Ý  IMDB-Link    :                   Ý
    Ý  US-Release   : 07/15/1998                                         Ý
    Ý  RAR-Count    : 92 x 50 MB                                         Ý
    Ý  DVD-Source   : Retail DVD, Region 2                               Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  ASPECT & STANDARD      |  AUDIO                                   Ý
    Ý                         |                                          Ý 
    Ý  [ ] 1.78:1  [ ] 1.85:1 |  [X] English    [X] Dolby Digital 5.1    Ý 
    Ý  [X] 2.35:1             |  [ ] Danish     [ ] DTS 6.1              Ý 
    Ý  [ ] 1.33:1 (4:3)       |  [ ] Norwegian  [ ] Dolby Sorround 2.0   Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Anamorphic WS      |  [ ] Swedish    [ ] Directory Commentary Ý
    Ý  [X] PAL   [ ] NTSC     |  [ ] Finish                              Ý
    Ý  [X] Region/Macrofixed  |  [ ] Other                               Ý
    Ý                         |                                          Ý
    Ý  SUBTITLES                                                         Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  [X] English       [X] Swedish      [ ] Spanish       [ ] Dutch    Ý
    Ý  [X] Danish        [X] German       [ ] Polish        [X] Italian  Ý
    Ý  [X] Norwegian     [X] French       [ ] Hebrew        [X] Finnish  Ý
    Ý  [X] Icelandic     [ ] Hungarian    [X] Portuguese    [X] Czech    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  DATA   Untouched  Partial  Stripped  ReEncoded  Bitrate  Passes   Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  Menu      [X]       [ ]       [ ]       [ ]      [    ]    [ ]    Ý
    Ý  Video     [ ]       [ ]       [ ]       [X]      [3972]    [5]    Ý
    Ý  Extras    [ ]       [ ]       [X]       [ ]      [    ]    [ ]    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
----- - - - - bla bla... . . ..
                                PLOT OUTLINE:
Due to a shuttle's unfortunate demise in outer space, NASA becomes aware of 
a doomsday asteroid that is on a collision course with Earth. It seems that 
the only way to knock it off course is to drill into its surface and detonate 
a nuclear weapon. But as NASA's under-funded yet resourceful team train the 
world's best drillers for the job, the social order of the world begins to 
break down as the information reaches the public and hysteria results. 
As high-ranking officials play politics with the effort, the drilling team 
all faces deep personal issues which may jeopardize humanity's last chance... 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Michael Bay
Robert Roy Pool
Bruce Willis ....  Harry S. Stamper 
Billy Bob Thornton ....  Dan Truman, NASA Administrator 
Ben Affleck ....  A.J. Frost 
Liv Tyler ....  Grace Stamper 
Will Patton ....  Charles 'Chick' Chapple 
Steve Buscemi ....  Rockhound 
William Fichtner ....  Colonel William Sharp USAF, Shuttle Freedom Pilot 
Owen Wilson ....  Oscar Choi, Geologist 
Michael Clarke Duncan ....  Jayotis 'Bear' Kurleenbear 
Peter Stormare ....  Lev Andropov, Russian Cosmonaut 
Ken Hudson Campbell ....  Max Lennert (as Ken Campbell) 
Jessica Steen ....  Jennifer Watts NASA, Shuttle Freedom Co-Pilot 
Keith David (I) ....  Lt. General Kimsey 
Chris Ellis (I) ....  Walter Clark 
Jason Isaacs ....  Dr. Ronald Quincy, Research 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
                                 GREETINGS :
               BooZers - Centropy - CLASSiC - Drs - EFTERLYST
             PWRDVDR - rGPd - SVENNE - TUSADvDr - XV - Solution
 O- DNA signed and respects TDRS2K2-Rules, and request others to join us -O