Sleuth (2007) WS *NTSC* *DVDR* - DVDRIP - Wizeguys
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        { xxxxxxx /~~~~~~~                                 \/          
        {xxxxxxxxx\                 Makin' An Offer You Cant Refuse
  |O|                      WE PROUDLY PRESENT                             |O|
  |O|                             ****                                    |O|
  |O|                      A WiZeGuys Classic                             |O|
  |O|                             ****                                    |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|                    
  |O|                        Sleuth (2007)                                |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|  
  |O|                        RELEASE DETAILS                              |O| 
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|     RELEASE DATE...: 11 October 2007 (Spain)                        |O|
  |O|     SOURCE.........: [X] Retail                                     |O|
  |O|     REGION.........: [X] NTSC                                       |O|
  |O|     ASPECT RATIO...: [x] Widescreen                                 |O|
  |O|     RELEASE SIZE...: [ 93 ] [ ] 15MB [X] 50mb                       |O|
  |O|     IMAGE TYPE.....: [x] ISO                                        |O|
  |O|     DVD MENU.......: [x] YES                                        |O|
  |O|     DVD EXTRAS.....: [x] YES                                        |O|
  |O|     DVD SUBTITLES..: [x] English     [x] Spanish   [x] French       |O|
  |O|     DVD LANGUAGES..: [x] English                                    |O|         
  |O|                                                                     |O|                       
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                      MOVIE DETAILS                                  |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|    
  |O|     RUNTIME.......: 86 minutes                                      |O|
  |O|     Directed by...: Kenneth Branagh                                 |O|
  |O|     Studio........: Sony Pictures Classics                          |O|
  |O|     WRITER........: Harold Pinter                                   |O|
  |O|     RATING........: 6.5/10 (3,380 votes)                            |O|
  |O|     GENRE.........: Comedy / Drama / Mystery / Thriller             |O|
  |O|     STARRING......: Michael Caine	... 	Andrew Wyke               |O|
  |O|	                  Jude Law	... 	Milo Tindle               |O|
  |O|	                  Harold Pinter	... 	Man on T.V.               |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                       SYPNOSIS                                      |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|   On his sprawling country estate, an aging writer matches wits with|O|
  |O|   the struggling actor who has stolen his wife's heart.             |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|            IMDB:                   |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O| 
  |O|                                                                     |O|    
  |O|                    ENCODING DETAILS                                 |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|    
  |O|     DVD.......: [ ] Untouched [x] Re-encoded                        |O|
  |O|     Encoder...: CCE                                                 |O|
  |O|     PASSES....: [x] 5 [ ] 6                                         |O|
  |O|     Bitrate...: Untouched                                           |O|
  |O|     Audio.....: [ ] Untouched  [x] Dolby 5.1 [ ] Dolby 2.0          |O|
  |O|                 [ ] DTS        [ ] Mono                             |O| 
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                      RELEASING TOP QUALITY                          |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|        
  |O|                    PRE'S & SPECIAL REQUESTS                         |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|              
  |O|                presented in DVDR and PSP Formats                    |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|  
  |O|          Always Looking For Top Notch Sites To Affil On.            |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                          CONTACT INFO                               |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|    
  |O|                       [email protected]                         |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|    
  |O|                              GREETZ                                 |O|    
  |O|                                                                     |O|    
  |O|       Special Thanks and Heys!! to everyone who helped out!!        |O|   
  |O|                  You all know who you are ;)                        |O|
  |O|                       Shout Outs to...                              |O|
  |O|          TPS * EwDp * DoggPound * TJS * SCaNS * DON * BBR           |O|
  |O|              eDG * WaYsTeD * JFKDVD * LiThIuM * ReVOLT              |O|
  |O|                       & all the other groups                        |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                ***No Money is made off this!!!***                   |O|
  |O|       If you like a movie enough to watch it over and over,         |O|
  |O|                         please go buy it!                           |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|
  |O|                                                                     |O|