Star Trek The Original Series - Volume 4 *NTSC* - DVDRIP - SuBLiME
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Enterprise, representing the United ° ° Federation of Planets on a five-year mission in outer space to ° ° explore new worlds, seek new life and new civilizations, and to ° ° boldly go where no man has gone before . The Enterprise is ° ° commanded by handsome and brash Captain James T. Kirk. His First ° ° Officer and best friend is Mr. Spock from the planet Vulcan, and ° ° Kirk's Medical Officer is Dr. McCoy . With its crew of ° ° ° approximately 430, the Enterprise battles aliens, megalomanical ° ° computers, time paradoxes, psychotic murderers, and even Genghis ° ° ° Khan! ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° William Shatnern .......... Captain James T. Kirk ° ° Leonard Nimoy ............. Commander Spock ° ° DeForest Kelley ........... Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy ° ° Grace Lee Whitney ......... Yeoman Janice Rand (1966) ° ° James Doohan .............. Lt. Commander Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott ° ° George Takei .............. Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu ° ° Nichelle Nichols .......... Lt. Uhura ° ° Walter Koenig ............. Ensign Pavel Chekov (1967-1969) ° ° Majel Barrett ............. Nurse Christine Chapel ° ° John Winston (I)........... Lieutenant Kyleudge Goines ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ² ² ²² ° ÚÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄ¿ ÚÂÄÂÄÂÄ¿ ° ²² ²±±°° ° ° °°° ³³³³³³³³³³³ ô³³À´³³ °°° ° ° °°±±² ²² ° ³ÃÄ´³³³ ´Ú´ ³³³³Ú´³³ ° ²² ² ° ÀÙ ÀÁÄÁÁÁÄÙ ÀÁÁÁÙÀÄÙ ° ² ° ° ° ° ° AUDIO.........: [ ] DD 2.0 [X] English [ ] Italian ° ° [ ] DD 2.0 Mono [ ] French [ ] Norwegian ° ° [ ] DD 2.1 [ ] German [ ] Swedish ° ° [ ] DD 5.0 [ ] Spanish [ ] Directory Comentary ° ° [X] DD 5.1 [ ] Danish [ ] Other ° ° [ ] DD 6.1 DTS [ ] Dutch [ ] ° ° ° ° SOURCE........: [X] DVD Retail [X] DVD5 ° ° [ ] PRE DVD [ ] DVD9 ° ° ° ° DVD EXTRAS....: [X] All Included ° ° [ ] Partial Stripped ° ° [ ] Fully Stripped ° ° ° ° VIDEO.........: [X] Untouched ° ° [ ] Re-Encoded ° ° [ ] Passes ° ° Bitrate [ ] ° ° [ ] Q Factor [ ] ° ° ° ° MENU..........: [X] Untouched ° ° [ ] Stripped ° ° ° ° SUBTITLES.....: [ ] (None) [ ] Swedish ° ° [X] English [ ] Danish ° ° [ ] English For Bad Hearing [ ] Norwegian ° ° [ ] French [ ] Finnish ° ° [ ] German [ ] Russian ° ° [ ] Dutch [ ] Icelandic ° ° [ ] Spanish [ ] Hindi ° ° [ ] Hebrew [ ] Other ° ° [ ] Greek [ ] ° ° ° ° ° ° REGION........: [ ] PAL ° ° [X] NTSC ° ° [X] Region Free ° ° [X] Macro Vision Free ° ° ° ° ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9 Anamorphic ° ° [ ] 16:9 Letterbox ° ° [ ] 16:9 Widescreen ° ° [X] 4:3 Fullscreen ° ° ° ° OTHER NOTES...: Episode 8 - Charlie X ° ° ------------------------- ° ° The cargo ship Antares transfers Charlie Evans (Robert ° ° Walker Jr.) to the U.S.S. Enterprise on his way to ° ° Alpha Five Colony . When the Antares is destroyed and ° ° crew members vanish , Kirk realizes Charlie is ° ° responsible but has little control over his deadly ° ° powers. Special treats: Spock playing his Vulcan Iyre, ° ° Uhara singing , and Thanksgiving aboard the U.S.S. ° ° Enterprise. ° ° ° ° Episode 9 - Balance Of Terror ° ° ---------------------------- ° ° Federation outposts destroyed by Romulans! It’s a game ° ° of cat and mouse for Kirk and the Romulan commander ° ° (Mark Lenard) , whose cloaking device renders his ship ° ° invisible – and very deadly! How long can Kirk protect ° ° the U.S.S. Enterprise from his unseen enemy ? This is ° ° our first look at the Romulans , and we'll learn why ° ° they mysteriously resemble the Vulcans. Mark Lenard is ° ° the only performer to have portrayed a Romulan, a ° ° Vulcan (Journey To Babel), and a Klingon (Star Trek - ° ° The Motion Picture). ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ² ² ²² ° ÚÄÂÄÂÄÂÂÂÄ¿ ÚÂÄÂÄÂÄ¿ ° ²² ²±±°° ° ° °°° ³Ú³³³³³³³³³ ô³³À´³³ °°° ° ° °°±±² ²² ° ³Ã´ ´³³³³ÚÙ ³³³³Ú´³³ ° ²² ² ° ÀÄÁÁÁÄÁÄÁÙ ÀÁÁÁÙÀÄÙ ° ² ° ° ° ° ° We Are Currently Looking For: ° ° ° ° . Site Affils 10/100+MBiT ° ° . Exclusive 10/100+MBiT Sites For SuBLiME Usage ° ° ° ° Contact Us @ [email protected] ° ° / SuBLiME ° ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±° ASCII BY NiMiTech / KEEPiNG SCENE-ART ALIVE IN 2K2 °±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ