Look and Learn Bear Friends Learn to Read (2008) *COMPLETE* *NTSC* - DVDRIP - INSECTS
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          DVD Date  ...: 5.27.2008
          RLS-DATE  ...: 6.7.2008
          Source ......: NTSC R1
          Movie Link ..: http://www.amazon.com/Look-Learn-Bear-Friends-Read/dp/B0017LGQH2/
               [ ] DTS 6.1                   [.] English             
               [ ] DD 5.1                    [ ] Spanish
               [.] DDS                       [ ] French   
               [ ] Director's Commentary     [ ] Other                                                    
               ~Subtitles~                   ~DVD Extras~
	       [ ] English                   [.] Untouched 
               [ ] Spanish                   [.] All included               
               [ ] French                    [ ] Partial stripped 
               [ ] CC                        [ ] Fully stripped             
               [ ] None Available            [ ] Re-encoded                                
               ~Screen Format~               ~Video~                          
               [ ] WS                        [.] Untouched                  
               [.] FS                        [ ] Re-encoded