Rules Of Engagement - DVDRIP - DNA
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       ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~           ~!!!!!!!~     ~!!!!!!!~        ~!!!!!!!!~
      ~!M$$$$$$$$$$$MM!!~       !M$$$$$$$M!    !M$$$$$M!~      ~!M$$$$$$$M~
      !$M!!!!!!!!!!M$$$M!!     ~M$!!!!!!!$!~  ~M$!!!!!MM~      !$$!!!!!!!$!
     ~M$~             !$$M!~   !$M       $M!  !$!     $M~     !M$!       $M~
     ~M$                !$M!   !$!       !$!~~!$!    ~$!~    ~!$!        $M~
     !$!                 ~$M! ~M$         $M!!M$     !$!    ~!$M         M$!
    ~!$!     $$$$M!       !$!~!MM         !$M!$M     MM!    !M$          !$!
    ~M$      $$MM$$$~      $M!!$!          $$M$!     $M~   !M$!          !$!
    !$M     !$!!~!!$$      MM!M$~    ~     !$$$     !$!   ~!$!     !!    ~$!~
    !$!     M$!   ~M$~     M$!M$     !!     $$$     M$!   !$$     ~$!     $M~
   ~M$~     $M~   ~!$~     M$M$!     $$     !$!     $M~  !M$~     $$M     MM!
   !MM     !$!~   ~M$~     $$$$!    ~$$!    ~$~    ~$!~ ~M$!     M$$$     M$!
   !$!     !$!    !$$     ~$$$$~    !$$M     !     !$! ~!$M     !$$$$     !$!
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  ~M$~~~~~!$M~ ~!M$$~~~~~!$$$$!~~~~!$MM$M~~~~~~~~~!$M~!M$!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!$M~
 ~M$!!!!!!MMMMM!!!!!!!!M$M!!$M!!!!!$M~ ~M$!!!!!!!!$$M$$!!!!!!M$$$$$$$M!!!!!M$!
 !$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$M!~!$!!!!!M$!~  !$M!!!!!!M$$$$M!!!!!M$$$$$$$$$!!!!!M$!
 !$M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$!! !M$!!!!!M$!   !M$!!!!!!$$$$M!!!!!M$M!!!!!!$$!!!!!M$!~
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 !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MM!!    ~M$$$$$$$!~    ~M$$$$$$$MM$$$$$$$$!~      !$$$$$$$$!
 ~!MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!~       !!MMMMM!~      !!MMMMM!!!!MMMMMM!~       ~!MMMMMM!~
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~          ~~~~~    ~~~~~~           ~~~~~~ 
      P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S    A N O T H E R    D V D - R I P        
              -->    Rules.Of.Engagement.2000.PAL.DVDR-DNA    <--
    Ý                                                                    Ý                                                    
    Ý  Release Date : 11/05/2002                                         Ý
    Ý  Playtime     : 02:01:56                                           Ý
    Ý  Genre        : Thriller		                                 Ý
    Ý  User Rating  : 6.4/10 (4,591 votes)                               Ý
    Ý  IMDB-Link    :                   Ý
    Ý  US-Release   : 03/31/2000                                         Ý
    Ý  RAR-Count    : 94                                                 Ý
    Ý  DVD-Source   : Retail DVD, Region 2                               Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  ASPECT & STANDARD      |  AUDIO                                   Ý
    Ý                         |                                          Ý 
    Ý  [ ] 1.78:1  [ ] 1.85:1 |  [X] English    [X] Dolby Digital 5.1    Ý 
    Ý  [X] 2.35:1             |  [ ] Danish     [ ] DTS 6.1              Ý 
    Ý  [ ] 1.33:1 (4:3)       |  [ ] Norwegian  [ ] Dolby Sorround 2.0   Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Anamorphic WS      |  [ ] Swedish    [ ] Directory Commentary Ý
    Ý  [X] PAL   [ ] NTSC     |  [ ] Finish                              Ý
    Ý  [X] Region/Macrofixed  |  [ ] Other                               Ý
    Ý                         |                                          Ý
    Ý  SUBTITLES                                                         Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  [ ] English       [X] Swedish      [ ] Spanish       [ ] Dutch    Ý
    Ý  [X] Danish        [ ] German       [ ] Polish        [ ] Italian  Ý
    Ý  [X] Norwegian     [ ] French       [ ] Hebrew        [X] Finnish  Ý
    Ý  [ ] Icelandic     [ ] Hungarian    [ ] Portuguese    [ ] Czech    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  DATA   Untouched  Partial  Stripped  ReEncoded  Bitrate  Passes   Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  Menu      [X]       [ ]       [ ]       [ ]      [    ]    [ ]    Ý
    Ý  Video     [ ]       [ ]       [ ]       [X]      [4476]    [5]    Ý
    Ý  Extras    [ ]       [ ]       [X]       [ ]      [    ]    [ ]    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
			    Nothing at the moment.
                                PLOT OUTLINE:
Hayes Hodges finds his career aspirations dashed when he's wounded in Vietnam 
combat. He then returns to America and becomes a disillusioned lawyer who goes 
up against the service to defend Colonel Terry Childers, who is accused of 
inciting an incident that leaves many demonstrators dead. Hodges in no position 
to decline: Childers heroically saved his life back in Vietnam.  
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
William Friedkin
James Webb (III) 
Tommy Lee Jones ....  	  Colonel Hayes 'Hodge' Hodges 
Samuel L. Jackson ....    Colonel Terry L. Childers 
Guy Pearce .... 	  Major Mark Biggs 
Ben Kingsley ....  	  mbassador Mourain 
Bruce Greenwood (I) ....  National Security Advisor Bill Sokal 
Anne Archer ....  	  Mrs. Mourain 
Blair Underwood ....  	  Captain Lee 
Philip Baker Hall ....    General H. Lawrence Hodges 
Dale Dye ....  		  General Perry 
Amidou ....  		  Dr. Ahmar 
Mark Feuerstein ....  	  Tom Chandler 
Richard McGonagle ....    Judge Colonel E. Warner 
Baoan Coleman ....        Colonel Binh Le Cao 
Nicky Katt ....  	  Hayes Hodges, III 
Ryan Hurst ....  	  Corporal Hustings 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
                                 GREETINGS :
               BooZers - Centropy - CLASSiC - Drs - EFTERLYST
             PWRDVDR - rGPd - SVENNE - TUSADvDr - XV - Solution
 O- DNA signed and respects TDRS2K2-Rules, and request others to join us -O