Major Payne *WS NTSC* - DVDRIP - PHOENiX
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        ________  ____ _____ _____  ______  _________/ _ \____  _______
       /  ______``____`____ `_____``______``_____`__  / \  __ \/ ____  \
      |  |      \|    |    |/     \<      \|     |  |<   >/  \  /    >  >
      |  |       \         |   .   |    ___>     |  ||\_/|    \/    /  /
      |  |        >        |   |   |      /|     :  ||   |\        /  /
      |  |       /         |   :   |   ___>|  :     ||   |/        \ <
      |  |      <|    |    |       |       >  |     ||   |    /\    \ \
      |  |______||____|____|\_____/.\_____/|__|____/ <___|___/  \____> >
      |_________/\___/`\____\_____/ \_____/|_______/\_________/\______/
      <                                                                 > 
      |                  Major.Payne.1995.DVDR-PHOENiX                  |
      -<[]>-                 RELEASE iNFORMATiON                   -<[]>-
       SUPPLiED BY.....: Team Phoenix
       RiPPED BY.......: Bacon?
       RELEASE DATE....: 2oo2-11-08
       RELEASE SiZE....: 4.36 gb
       NR. OF FiLES....: 50x94
       ORiGiNAL TiTLE..: Major Payne
       GENRE...........: Comedy
       YEAR............: 1995
       LENGTH..........: 95min
       RATiNG..........: 5.0/10 (1,053 votes) 
       AUDIO                                   ASPECT RATIO
      [x] English                              [x] 16:9  Widescreen
      [ ] Swedish                              [ ] 4:3   Widescreen
      [ ] Finnish                              [ ] 4:3   Fullscreen
      [ ] Danish   
      [ ] Norwigean                            VIDEO
      [ ] Other (German&Spanish)
      [ ] Directory Commentary                 [x] Untouched
      [ ] 6.1                                  [ ] Re-encoded
      [x] 5.1                                  [ ] Passes
      [ ] 2.0 
                                               [x] Untouched
      [x] English [ ] Swedish [ ] Norwegian    [ ] Stripped
      [ ] Danish  [ ] Finnish [ ] Icelandic  
      [ ] French  [ ] Spanish [ ] Other        IMAGE TYPE     REGIONS
      DVD EXTRAS                               [x] IMG        [ ] PAL
                                               [ ] ISO        [x] NTSC
      [x] All Included                         [ ] NRG 
      [ ] Partial Strip 
      [ ] Fully Stripped 
      -<[]>-                    MOViE SUMMARY                      -<[]>-
              He is looking for a few good men...or a few guys old enough to shave.
          Damon Wayans stars in this hilarious escapade that commands laughs aplenty! When 
      	peace breaks out in America, killing machine Major Benson Winifred Payne, United
 	States Marine Corps Special Forces (Wayans), is given his marching 
	the unemployment line. Unable to cope with civilian life, Payne is thrust back 
	into the military regimen as commander of the Madison Academy Junior ROTC.
	How does the military's most dangerous secret weapon discipline a few good 
	men when none of them is even old enough to shave? Any way he wants! At 
	least until Dr. Emily Walburn, school counselor (Karyn Parsons), joins 
	his tour of duty. 

      -<[]>-                      GROUP NEWS                       -<[]>-
      We are looking for
      -> don't want anymore rippers unless can supply pre-rls ;x
      -> sites in the US/EU ->> 10mbit+ required, 
                                no pls unless 1TB+
      Contact Us:  [email protected]
      -> we ain't tech support nor do we give out links where to
         download shit. any such e-mail will be ignored. so if this
         you, then fuck off.
      -<[]>-                      GREETiNGS                        -<[]>-
              Chemical Reaction - SouL - TcS - DcN - DzN - UMP
                       FairLight - SHOCKiSO - SCOTCH
               all groups who keep the scene alive and kicking.
       +ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ our intelligence exceeds your stupidity ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ+
           <   Ascii done by muffin^cRo - Chemical Reaction 2oo2  >