Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets *CD1 REPACK* - CAM - UTi
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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°ÛÚ        Û²°ÛÚ                  Û²°ÛÚ           Û²°°°°°°°°
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°°°±±              . u N D e R . T H e . i N F L u e N C e .             ²²°°°
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°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²                            * REPACK *                              ±±°°°
°°°²² ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´   Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets    ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ±±°°°
°°°²²                  http://us.imdb.com/Title?0295297                  ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±± Release :: 11/09/02   ³   Cast ::                                  ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³                                            ±±°°°
°°°±± Quality :: CAM        ³³  Daniel Radcliffe ...... Harry Potter     ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Emma Watson (II) ...... Hermione Granger ²²°°°
°°°±± Genre :: Fantasy/Adv  ³³  Rupert Grint .......... Rom Weasley      ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³  Richard Harris  ....... Albus Dumbledore ±±°°°
°°°²² iMDB  :: 7.9/10 (122) ³³  Maggie Smith .......... Prof McGonagall  ±±°°°
°°°²²                       ³³  Kenneth Branagh ....... Gilderoy Lockhart±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Robbie Coltrane ....... Hagrid           ²²°°°
°°°±± iMDB Code :: 0295297  ³³  Alan Rickman .......... Prof Snape       ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°²² CDs :: 1CD            ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²²  ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ   ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°±± Ripper ::             ³³  Plot Overview ::                         ±±°°°
°°°±± UTi                   ³³ Ú                                         ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Harry Potter's adventures continue..     ±±°°°
°°°²² Supplier ::           ³³  Harry Potter begins his second year at   ±±°°°
°°°²² UTi                   ³³  Hogwarts School of Wizardry, but is      ±±°°°
°°°²²                       ³³  warned by a mysterious creature that     ²²°°°
°°°±± Archive Details ::    ³³  danger awaits him at the school.         ²²°°°
°°°±± [CD1] = 55 RARs       ³³  Malevolent voices whisper from the       ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  walls. Soon it's not just Harry who is   ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  worried about survival, as dreadful      ²²°°°
°°°±± Theater Rls Date ::   ³³  things begin to happen at Hogwarts.      ²²°°°
°°°±± 11/15/02              ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²² DVD Rls Date ::       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²² xx/xx/xx               ³                                        Ù  ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²  Release Notes :: Repack Info                                      ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±  Ú                                                                 ±±°°°
°°°±±    Sorry bout that, somehow the wrong MPEG got included, but       ±±°°°
°°°±±   it is easy to fix yourself!                                      ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±   1. in VCDgear convert bin/cue to MPEG                            ±±°°°
°°°±±   2. load TMPGEnc and select MPEG tools                            ±±°°°
°°°±±   3. select Merge and Cut and ADD the mpeg                         ±±°°°
°°°±±   4. highlight, click EDIT and change start to 19secs              ±±°°°
°°°±±   5. choose a filename and hit RUN (make sure its MPEG1 VideoCD)   ±±°°°
°°°²²   6. burn in NERO or package with VCDimager etc                    ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²   The only thing missing is the words Harry Potter. The film is    ²²°°°
°°°²²   100% complete otherwise, sorry we couldn't rescue the title tho. ²²°°°
°°°²²   For some reason the last 30 secs is without audio, but there     ²²°°°
°°°²²   is only one small piece of dialog here.                          ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²   CD1 repack is here for those who never got it or can't be        ²²°°°
°°°²²   bothered to do it themselves. Enjoy the film.. again.. :)        ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²   ps : Just cos we dont like groups that have to rely on silvers   ²²°°°
°°°²²   doesn't mean we wont put em out if they're REALLY good :)        ²²°°°
°°°²²   But as most groups have proven, they generally aint ! -UTi       ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                 Ù  ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±  Want to help out a dedicated and hardworking crew ?               ²²°°°
°°°²²  Can you ::                                                        ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  1. Supply VCD Silvers, Theater Rips (UK/US, Telesync/Telecine),   ±±°°°
°°°±±     Direct Audio, Pre-Screeners (VHS/DVD), or Pre DVD Retails ?    ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  2. Provide 100/155 mbit *RATED* US/EU sites ?                     ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  3. Supply hardware or private fast shells ?                       ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  If so contact us :: IRC   : #uti-vcd EFNET                        ±±°°°
°°°±±                      Email : [email protected]                   ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±  UTi would like to ask the following ::                            ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±  Will there ever be a boy born who can swim faster than a shark?   ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°