Flu Birds (2008) TV *XviD* - DVDRIP - iNTiMiD
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        ;'    (_,-:     _,::     .|     Flu.Birds.2008.TV.DVDRiP.XviD-iNTiMiD
       ;       ( , ) _,':::'    ,;       Release Date: 2008.09.27           Runtime: 88min 57sec
      ;         )-,;'  `:'     .::        DVD Date: 2008.09.30               Rating: 3.1/10 (50 votes)
      |         `'  ;         `:::\        Theater Date: 2008.08.23 (TV)
      :       ,'    '            `:\        Genre: Horror
      ;:    '  _,-':         .'     `-.      Language: English
       ';::..,'  ' ,        `   ,__    `.
         `;''   / ;           _;_,-'     `.    Video: 947 kbps xvid               Packed: 50x15mb
               /            _;--.          \    Audio: 140 kbps vbr mp3            Subs: English, Spanish
             ,'            / ,'  `.         \    Resolution: 592x336 (1.76:1)
            /:            (_(   ,' \         )
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          (::..                 `-'\ "`""'       Plot Summary: An insidious and deadly virus has
          ;::::.                    \        __  infected a species of giant birds, turning them
          ,::::::.            .:'    )    ,-'  ) into vicious predators. As the birds descend on an
         /  `;:::::::'`__,:.:::'    /`---'   ,'  entire town, killing its inhabitants one by one,
        ;    `""""'   (  \:::'     /     _,-'    six unsuspecting teens must fight for their lives
        ;              \  \:'    ,';:.,-'        and retreat to a military bunker on the outskirts
        (              :  )\    (                of town. It is the only safe haven that will keep
         `.             \   \    ;               the birds from killing them...or will it?
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              ,','._::::| \ \ \  \                     http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1282045/
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                         `._\_\                  Cast:
                                                 Sarah Butler ............Eva
                                                 Clare Carey .............Dr. Hale
                                                 Lance Guest .............Garrett
                                                 Rebekah Kochan ..........Lola
                                                 Brent Lydic .............Gordon
                                                 Tarri Markell ...........Dr. Giovanna Thomas
                                                 Bill Posley .............Derrick
                                                 Directed by:
                                                 Leigh Scott
                                                 Release Notes: IF THEY FLY YOU DIE!
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