Blazing Saddles *WS* - DVDRIP - PHOENiX
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        ________  ____ _____ _____  ______  _________/ _ \____  _______
       /  ______``____`____ `_____``______``_____`__  / \  __ \/ ____  \
      |  |      \|    |    |/     \<      \|     |  |<   >/  \  /    >  >
      |  |       \         |   .   |    ___>     |  ||\_/|    \/    /  /
      |  |        >        |   |   |      /|     :  ||   |\        /  /
      |  |       /         |   :   |   ___>|  :     ||   |/        \ <
      |  |      <|    |    |       |       >  |     ||   |    /\    \ \
      |  |______||____|____|\_____/.\_____/|__|____/ <___|___/  \____> >
      |_________/\___/`\____\_____/ \_____/|_______/\_________/\______/
      <                                                                 > 
      |           	Blazing.Saddles.1974.WS.DVDR-PHOENIX            |
      -<[]>-                 RELEASE iNFORMATiON                   -<[]>-
       SUPPLiED BY.....: Team Phoenix
       RiPPED BY.......: Team Phoenix
       RELEASE DATE....: 2oo2-11-11
       RELEASE SiZE....: 4.2 gb
       NR. OF FiLES....: 50 x 91
       GENRE...........: COMEDY/FAMILY
       YEAR............: 2oo2
       LENGTH..........: 93min
       RATiNG..........: 7.7/10 (xxxx votes) 
       AUDIO                                   ASPECT RATIO
      [x] English                              [x] 16:9  Widescreen
      [ ] Swedish                              [ ] 4:3   Widescreen
      [ ] Finnish                              [ ] 4:3   Fullscreen
      [ ] Danish   
      [ ] Norwigean                            VIDEO
      [ ] Other (German&Spanish)
      [ ] Directory Commentary                 [x] Untouched
      [ ] 6.1                                  [ ] Re-encoded
      [ ] 5.1                                  [ ] Passes
      [x] 2.0 
                                               [x] Untouched
      [x] English [x] Swedish [ ] Norwegian    [ ] Stripped
      [ ] Danish  [ ] Finnish [ ] Icelandic  
      [ ] French  [ ] Spanish [ ] Other        IMAGE TYPE     REGIONS
      DVD EXTRAS                               [x] IMG        [ ] PAL
                                               [ ] ISO        [x] NTSC
      [x] All Included                         [ ] NRG 
      [ ] Partial Strip 
      [ ] Fully Stripped 
      -<[]>-                    MOViE SUMMARY                      -<[]>-
	Never Give a Saga an Even Break!
	The railroad's bound to run right through the sleepy town of 
	Rock Ridge. Land there will be worth a fortune- but the townfolk 
	already own their own land. How do you drive them out? Send in 
	the roughest, toughest, meanest, leanest gang you've got...and 
	appoint a new sheriff you figure will last about 24 hours. However, 
	logic is lost in a blizzard of gags, jokes, and outrageous asssaults 
	upon good taste- or any at all. 

      -<[]>-                      GROUP NEWS                       -<[]>-
      We are looking for
      -> don't want anymore rippers unless can supply pre-rls ;x
      -> sites in the US/EU ->> 10mbit+ required, 
                                no pls unless 1TB+
      Contact Us:  [email protected]
      -> we ain't tech support nor do we give out links where to
         download shit. any such e-mail will be ignored. so if this
         you, then fuck off.
      -<[]>-                      GREETiNGS                        -<[]>-
      Chemical Reaction - 

           <   Ascii done by muffin^cRo - Chemical Reaction 2oo2  >