Beverly Hills Cop 1 - DVDRIP - DNA
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       ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~           ~!!!!!!!~     ~!!!!!!!~        ~!!!!!!!!~
      ~!M$$$$$$$$$$$MM!!~       !M$$$$$$$M!    !M$$$$$M!~      ~!M$$$$$$$M~
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 ~!MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!~       !!MMMMM!~      !!MMMMM!!!!MMMMMM!~       ~!MMMMMM!~
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~          ~~~~~    ~~~~~~           ~~~~~~ 
      P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S    A N O T H E R    D V D - R I P        
             -->    Beverly.Hills.Cop.1.1984.PAL.DVDR-DNA    <--
    Ý                                                                    Ý                                                    
    Ý  Release Date : 11/15/2002                                         Ý
    Ý  Playtime     : 01:49:10                                           Ý
    Ý  Genre        : Action / Comedy                                    Ý
    Ý  User Rating  : 7.1/10 (9,425 votes)                               Ý
    Ý  IMDB-Link    :                   Ý
    Ý  US-Release   : 01/29/2002                                         Ý
    Ý  RAR-Count    : 88                                                 Ý
    Ý  DVD-Source   : Retail DVD, Region 2                               Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  ASPECT & STANDARD      |  AUDIO                                   Ý
    Ý                         |                                          Ý 
    Ý  [X] Widescreen         |  [X] English    [X] Dolby Digital 5.1    Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Anamorphic         |  [ ] Danish     [ ] DTS 6.1              Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Letterbox          |  [ ] Norwegian  [ ] Dolby Sorround 2.0   Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Fullscreen         |  [ ] Swedish    [X] Directory Commentary Ý
    Ý  [X] PAL   [ ] NTSC     |  [ ] Finish                              Ý
    Ý  [X] Region/Macrofixed  |  [ ] Other                               Ý
    Ý                         |                                          Ý
    Ý  SUBTITLES                                                         Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  [X] English       [X] Swedish      [ ] Spanish       [ ] Dutch    Ý
    Ý  [X] Danish        [ ] German       [ ] Polish        [ ] Italian  Ý
    Ý  [X] Norwegian     [ ] French       [ ] Hebrew        [ ] Finish   Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  DATA   Untouched  Partial  Stripped  ReEncoded  Bitrate  Passes   Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  Menu      [X]       [ ]       [ ]       [ ]      [    ]    [ ]    Ý
    Ý  Video     [ ]       [ ]       [ ]       [X]      [5000]    [5]    Ý
    Ý  Extras    [ ]       [ ]       [X]       [ ]      [    ]    [ ]    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
                                PLOT OUTLINE:
Detroit cop Axel Foley is delighted when he receives a surprise visit from his best 
friend Mikey Tandino, who lives in California. Not long after Mikey arrives in Detroit, 
Mikey is killed, right in front of Axel, by a man named Zack. Axel follows Zack to 
Beverly Hills, California, where Beverly Hills police department Lieutenant Andrew 
Bogomil assigns Detective Billy Rosewood and Rosewood's partner, Sergeant John Taggart, 
to keep an eye on Axel. Axel visits his friend Jenny Summers, who works in an art 
gallery. With Jenny's help, Axel discovers that Zack works for Jenny's boss, Victor 
Maitland, the man who owns the art gallery. Maitland is a drug kingpin who is using 
the gallery as a front, and Maitland had Zack kill Mikey after Maitland accused Mikey 
of stealing some of Maitland's bonds. With the help of Jenny, Billy, and Taggart, Axel
does what he can to make sure Maitland and Zack won't kill any more people. 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Martin Brest
Danilo Bach
Daniel Petrie Jr.
Eddie Murphy ....  	Detective Axel Foley 
Judge Reinhold ....  	Detective William 'Billy' Rosewood 
John Ashton (I) .... 	Sergeant John Taggart 
Lisa Eilbacher ....  	Jeannette 'Jenny' Summers, Manager Holis Benton Art Gallery 
Ronny Cox .... 		Lieutenant Andrew Bogomil 
Steven Berkoff ....  	Victor Maitland 
James Russo ....  	Mikey Tandino 
Jonathan Banks ....  	Zack, Maitland's Thug 
Stephen Elliott (I) ....Police Chief Hubbard 
Gilbert R. Hill ....  	Inspector Douglas Todd 
Art Kimbro ....  	Detective Foster 
Joel Bailey ....  	Detective McCabe 
Bronson Pinchot ....  	Serge 
Paul Reiser ....  	Jeffrey 
Michael Champion ....  	Casey 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
                                 GREETINGS :
               BooZers - Centropy - CLASSiC - Drs - EFTERLYST
                   PWRDVDR - rGPd - SVENNE - TUSADvDr - XV
 O- DNA signed and respects TDRS2K2-Rules, and request others to join us -O