The Clique (2008) *Proper* *STV* *XviD* - DVDRIP - iNTiMiD
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        ;'    (_,-:     _,::     .|     The.Clique.2008.Proper.STV.DVDRiP.XviD-iNTiMiD
       ;       ( , ) _,':::'    ,;       Release Date: 2008.11.18           Runtime: 87min 19sec
      ;         )-,;'  `:'     .::        DVD Date: 2008.11.18               Rating: 6.5/10 (208 votes)
      |         `'  ;         `:::\        Theater Date: (STV)
      :       ,'    '            `:\        Genre: Comedy
      ;:    '  _,-':         .'     `-.      Language: English
       ';::..,'  ' ,        `   ,__    `.
         `;''   / ;           _;_,-'     `.    Video: 974 kbps xvid               Packed: 50x15mb
               /            _;--.          \    Audio: 132 kbps vbr mp3            Subs: English, French, Spanish
             ,'            / ,'  `.         \    Resolution: 592x336 (1.76:1)
            /:            (_(   ,' \         )
           /:.               \_(  /-. .:::,;/
          (::..                 `-'\ "`""'       Plot Summary: MEET THE CLIQUE.
          ;::::.                    \        __
          ,::::::.            .:'    )    ,-'  ) Massie Block, with her glossy chestnut hair, laser-
         /  `;:::::::'`__,:.:::'    /`---'   ,'  whitened smile and ah-mazing wardrobe, rules the
        ;    `""""'   (  \:::'     /     _,-'    social scene of exclusive Octavian Country Day, a
        ;              \  \:'    ,';:.,-'        private girls' school in the wealthy suburbs of
        (              :  )\    (                Westchester County, NY. Massie's clique, aka The
         `.             \   \    ;               Pretty Committee, includes expert shopper and logo-
           `-.___       : ,\ \  (                laden Alicia Rivera, diet fad-obsessed redhead
              ,','._::::| \ \ \  \               beauty Dylan Marvil and super-smart star athlete
             (,(,---;;;;;  \ \|;;;)              Kristen Gregory. As their undisputed alpha, Massie
                         `._\_\                  is set on keeping her spot at the top.
                                                 Enter Clarie Lyons, the new girl from Florida, in a
                                                 fashion don't outfit and two-year-old sneakers -
                                                 clearly not Pretty Committee material.
                                                 Unfortunately for her, Claire's family is staying
                                                 at the guest house on Massie's huge family estate.
                                                 With no way to avoid The Clique and eager to fit in
                                                 , Claire's future looks worse than a Prada
                                                 knockoff. But with a little confidence and a little
                                                 confidence and a lot of scheming, Claire just might
                                                 stand a chance.
                                                 Elizabeth McLaughlin ....Massie Block
                                                 Ellen Marlow ............Claire Lyons
                                                 Dale Appel ..............Upscale Shopper
                                                 Samantha Boscarino ......Alicia
                                                 Chris Conte .............Abeley's Dad
                                                 Roger Dillingham Jr. ....Paramedic
                                                 Sophie Anna Everhard ....Dylan
                                                 Elizabeth Gillies .......Shelby
                                                 Stephen Guarino .........Vincent
                                                 Elizabeth Keifer ........Judy Lyons
                                                 Julie Lauren ............Kendra Block
                                                 Vanessa Marano ..........Layne
                                                 Lisa Masters ............Mrs. Marvil
                                                 Neal Matarazzo ..........Jay Lyons
                                                 Boris McGiver ...........Ivan
                                                 Todd Mello ..............Winning auction bidder
                                                 Bridgit Mendler .........Kristen Gregory
                                                 Dylan Minnette ..........Todd Lyons
                                                 Aaron J. Patton .........Parent
                                                 Keli Price ..............Chris Abeley
                                                 Shelby Stanton ..........Jenna
                                                 Directed by:
                                                 Michael Lembeck
                                                 Release Notes:   The only thing
                                                              harder than getting in
                                                                  is staying in.
                                                 iFN release is undercropped right. Could not find
                                                 Sample. *cough* p2p release.
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