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/`\ ________ ____ _____ _____ ______ _________/ _ \____ _______ / ______``____`____ `_____``______``_____`__ / \ __ \/ ____ \ | | \| | |/ \< \| | |< >/ \ / > > | | \ | . | ___> | ||\_/| \/ / / | | > | | | /| : || |\ / / | | / | : | ___>| : || |/ \ < | | <| | | | > | || | /\ \ \ | |______||____|____|\_____/.\_____/|__|____/ <___|___/ \____> > |_________/\___/`\____\_____/ \_____/|_______/\_________/\______/ _________________________________________________________________ < > | Eraser.1996.WS.DVDR-PHOENiX | <_________________________________________________________________> -<[]>- RELEASE iNFORMATiON -<[]>- \/___________________________________________________________\/ SUPPLiED BY.....: Team Phoenix RiPPED BY.......: Team Phoenix RELEASE DATE....: 2oo2-11-17 RELEASE SiZE....: 4.18gb NR. OF FiLES....: 50x90 ORiGiNAL TiTLE..: Eraser GENRE...........: Action YEAR............: 1997 LENGTH..........: 115mins RATiNG..........: 5.9/10 (9,004 votes) iMDB............: AUDIO ASPECT RATIO [x] English [x] 16:9 Widescreen [x] French [ ] 4:3 Widescreen [x] Spanish [ ] 4:3 Fullscreen [ ] Danish [ ] Norwigean VIDEO [ ] Other (German/Swedish/Finnish) [ ] Directory Commentary [x] Untouched [ ] 6.1 [ ] Re-encoded [x] 5.1 (English and French) [ ] Passes [ ] 2.0 MENU SUBTITLES [x] Untouched [ ] English [ ] Swedish [ ] Norwegian [ ] Stripped [ ] Danish [ ] Finnish [ ] Icelandic [ ] French [ ] Spanish [ ] Other IMAGE TYPE REGIONS DVD EXTRAS [x] IMG [ ] PAL [ ] ISO [x] NTSC [x] All Included [ ] NRG [ ] Partial Strip [ ] Fully Stripped -<[]>- MOViE SUMMARY -<[]>- \/___________________________________________________________\/ John Kruger works for the witness relocation program as a U.S. Marshal. His job is to remove all traces of the identity of any witness in the program and to, as called for, eliminate threats against any of those witnesses. John works alone and is the best at what he does. When Lee Cullen, a high level executive with a U.S. weapons manufacturer, turns over evidence of illegal arms deals to the FBI, John is assigned to protect her. But they both soon find that the level of treason extends far past the Cyrex Corporation and into high levels of the government. John and Lee become the target of these money grubbing capitalist pigs and their survival depends upon John's ability to protect both of them. -<[]>- GROUP NEWS -<[]>- \/___________________________________________________________\/ We are looking for -> don't want anymore rippers unless can supply pre-rls ;x -> sites in the US/EU ->> 10mbit+ required, no pls unless 1TB+ Contact Us: [email protected] -> we ain't tech support nor do we give out links where to download shit. any such e-mail will be ignored. so if this you, then fuck off. -<[]>- GREETiNGS -<[]>- \/___________________________________________________________\/ Chemical Reaction - SouL - TcS - DcN - DzN - UMP FairLight - SHOCKiSO - SCOTCH all groups who keep the scene alive and kicking. +ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ our intelligence exceeds your stupidity ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ >----------------------------------------------------< < Ascii done by muffin^cRo - Chemical Reaction 2oo2 > \____________________________________________________/