The Hollywood Sign *LiMiTED* - DVDRIP - rSE
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NFO By: lvlASTER   
                          SS:::::::::::::::S     E::::::::::::::::::::E
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 r:::::r                 S::::::SSSSSS:::::S     E::::::::::::::::::::E
 r:::::r                 S:::::::::::::::SS      E::::::::::::::::::::E
                       rSE Presents:   The Hollywood Sign
                              General Information
Release Date.........: 11.23.2002             CD1 Size.............: 57 Files
Source...............: DVD                    CD2 Size.............: 57 Files
Video Format.........: SVCD                   
Audio................: 224
Resolution...........: 480x480
Bitrate..............: 2081
IMDb Rating..........: 5.4/10		      
Genre................: Crime
                                  Movie Plot
Three washed-up actors must deliver the most convincing performances of 
their lives as part of a dangerous plot designed to finance their triumphant
    rSE                          Group News                          rSE
Alright, here it is, Hollywood Sign DVD, which premiered in the US 
17 September 2002.  Enjoy the DVD, as much as we did!
                       Greets To The Following Groups:
                        iV - 4HM - BamVCD - TCF - KSi