Mamma Mia (2008) *READNFO* *PAL* - DVDRIP - iGNiTiON
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ÞÛ²ß                   Mamma.Mia.2008.READNFO.PAL.DVDR-iGNiTiON                    ßÛ²Ý
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ÞÛ²Ü       Release Date ...:  03/02/2009       Source .....:  Retail WS DVD9       ÜÛÛÝ
 ßßÛÛ²Ü                                                                         ÜÛÛ²ßß
Ü  ÞÛ²²     Main Movie ...:                                                     ÛÛ²Ý  Ü
  ÜÛ²ß          ù  Video   ~  Untouched                                          ßÛ²Ü
 ÞÛ²                                                                               Û²Ý
 Û²ÝßÜ          ù  Audio   ~  English 5.1                                        ÜßÞ²Û
 Þ²  ÞÝ                                                                         ÞÝ  ²Ý
  ßÜ Û²         ù  Subs    ~  English, Croatian, Greek, Hebrew, Italian,        ²Û Üß
°    Û²                       Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish                    ²Û    °
²   Þ²Ý                                                                         ÞÛÝ   ²
 Û  Û²      Extras .......:                                                      Û²  Û
   Û²           ù  Deleted Scenes, Deleted Musical Number:"The Name of the Game"  Û²
  Û²                                                                               Û²
 Û² ²       Notes ........:                                                       ² Û²
Þ²Ý ÞÛ  ù  I didnt want to be gay and tag this as REAL.PROPER, even tho it is    ÛÝ Þ²Ý
ÛÛ   Û² just that. The HLS relase was pretty much a fuck up, while the PiERCE   ²Û   Û²
Û² ÜÛÛß guy obviously just "repaired" the HLS release. The end result was that  ßÛÛÜ ²Û
ÛÛÞß    the rls was badly undersized (215.656.448b to be exact). He also didnt     ßÞÛÛ
ÞÛÝ     remove some of the menus, dir. comments subs,... Even tho its a chick       ÞÛÝ
 ßÛÜ    flick, this DVD had a lot of cool extras. I wanted to squeeze in the       ÜÛß
Þ   ßß  best of them, so I ripped the foreign menus, and gained a lot of space   ßß   Ý
ÛÝ      from that (PiERCE = 106.256.384b, ours = 54.114.304b). The other rls         ÞÛ
ÞÛ°     also had the killed titles still intact, which makes the DVD jump through   °ÛÝ
 Û²Ü °  about 6 titles before going to the main menu. Ours is also heavily       ° ܲÛ
  ßßÛ²Ü reathured, and cleaned to the pulp (check screenshot). This is the only ܲÛßß
 Þ      proper release from this source so... We werent gay to tag this as a         Ý
 ÛÝ     proper, will you be gay to nuke it? No doubt. Thanks for reading, enjoy.    ÞÛ
 ÞÛ°                                                                               °ÛÝ
  Û²Ü °                                                                         ° ܲÛ
   ßßÛ²Ü           MORE iNFO @            ܲÛßß
ßßÛ²ÜÜ                                                                           ÜܲÛßß
   ßÛÛÛÜ  ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜ                                             ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ  ÜÛÛ²ß
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 ÜÜÛÛÛßßß                                                                  °  ßßßÛÛÛÜÜ
ÞÛ²ß          Greets go out to all the groups working for the real scene,          ßÛ²Ý
Û²Ý                  especially our friends and/or competition in:                  ÞÛ²
ÞÛ²Ü                                                                               ÜÛÛÝ
 ßßÛÛ²Ü       CuriousJotos    DeBCZ    Replica    NEBULA    NiTRO    TNAN       ÜÛÛ²ßß
Ü  ÞÛ²²                                                                         ÛÛ²Ý  Ü
  ÜÛ²ß                                                                           ßÛ²Ü
 ÞÛ²            We are currently looking for:                                      Û²Ý
 Û²Ý                                                                               Þ²Û
 Þ²                           ù  100mbit+ .eu affil sites                           ²Ý
  ßÜ                                                                               Üß
                                 [email protected]
 Û²ÜÜ             ÜܲÛÛÜÜ                                     ÜÜÛÛ²ÜÜ             ÜܲÛ
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       ßßÛÛÛÛÛ²ßß       ßÛÛ²                               ÛÛ²ß       ßß²ÛÛÛÛÛßß
                          ÛÛ²                             ÛÛ²
 NFO updated: 16/10/2008  Þ²Ý                             Þ²Ý
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                    ßÜÜÜßß                                   ßßÜÜÜß