Star Trek The Original Series - Volume 10 *NTSC* - DVDRIP - LION
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SiZE........: 92x50mb DVD DATE....: 1999 GENRE.......: Sci-Fi/Adventure FORMAT......: DVDR RUNTiME.....: 101 min AUDiO.......: DD. 5.1 ENG iMDB VOTES..: None RESULOTiON..: 720x480 iMDB: DOWNSAMPLED...: [ ]-YES [X]-NO MENUS: [X]-YES [ ]-NO EXTRAS ADDED..: [X]-YES [ ]-NO SUBTiTLES.....: [X]-ENGLiSH [ ]-SPANiSH [ ]-SWEDiSH [ ]-FRENCH [ ]-GERMAN [ ]-DUTCH [ ]-NORWEIGAN [ ]-iTALiAN [ ]-RUSSiAN [ ]-HEBREW [ ]-FiNNiSH [ ]-HiNDi [ ]-CZECH [ ]-GREEK [ ]-DANiSH [ ]-OTHER REGiON........: [ ]-PAL [X]-NTSC REGiON FREE...: [X]-YES [ ]-NO ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9-Anamorphic [ ] 16:9-Letterbox [ ] 16:9-Widescreen [X] 4:3-Fullscreen NOTE(S).......: Complete!!!Nothing Touched!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ M O V I E S Y N O P S I S ] Episode 19 - Arena The U.S.S. Enterprise is in pursuit of an unknown alien ship which has destroyed a Starfleet base on Cestus III. In an uncharted area of space, both the alien ship and the Enterprise are caught by an advanced race called Metrons. The Metrons are angry at the two ships for tres- passing into their space and believe that physical combat is the answer to finding justice. They transport Kirk and the alien captain, a lizard-like creature called a Gorn, to an uninhabited asteroid to fight to the death. The Metrons promise that the victor and his ship will be set free, while the loser will be destroyed, along with his ship and crew. The Gorn informs Kirk that the base on Cestus III was destroyed because it was believed to be a hostile intrusion on Gorn space. The Gorn is seven feet tall and much stronger than a human, with an extremely aggressive nature, but Kirk has the advantage of speed and agility that his opponent lacks. Kirk manages to keep out of the Gorn's way long enough to mix local minerals into gunpowder, which he uses in a primi- tive cannon to wound the Gorn captain. When Kirk refuses to kill the Gorn, the Metrons decide that there may be some hope for the human species after all. Both captains and their ships are set free. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Episode 20 - The Alternative Factor While orbiting what should be a dead planet, the U.S.S. Enterprise experiences a moment of "nonexistence." Starfleet Command fears an enemy invasion and orders Kirk to find out what caused the stellar system disturbance. On the planet below, Kirk finds a man called Lazarus, who tells Kirk that the effect was caused by his enemy. Lazarus has been chasing him with the aid of a time/space craft and wants the Enterprise's dilithium crystals to continue his search. The captain refuses. When Kirk takes Lazarus aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, it becomes apparent that there is something strange about their visitor. He has incredible mood swings, one minute sane and rational, the next exhibi- ting violent rage. He also has a bloody head wound that disappears then reappears moments later. Lazarus manages to steal the ship's dilithium and return to the planet. Kirk follows and discovers that Lazarus is two people — one sane and one a madman, with one from an anti-matter universe. The sane Lazarus informs Kirk that the beings can only appear in either universe one at a time. Should both men be in the same place at the same time, both universes would be destroyed. Kirk helps the sane Lazarus trap his coun- terpart in an intermediate time corridor where they can hurt neither the matter nor anti-matter universe, but where the two will be trapped in fight until the end of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ C A S T O V E R V i E W] William Shatner .... Captain James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy .... Commander Spock DeForest Kelley .... Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy Grace Lee Whitney .... Yeoman Janice Rand (1966) James Doohan .... Lt. Commander Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott George Takei .... Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu Nichelle Nichols .... Lt. Uhura Walter Koenig .... Ensign Pavel Chekov (1967-1969) Majel Barrett .... Nurse Christine Chapel John Winston (I) .... Lieutenant Kyle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [LiON LOOKiNG FOR YOU!] ..Expirenced SVCD/DVDR rippers with rcnt/pre source. ..Asian Telesync/Telecine/Screener suppliers or just classic/pre suppliers... with a fast upload speed (100k/s+) that is able to upload VOBS to our dumps worldwide. 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