Star Trek The Original Series - Volume 11 *NTSC* - DVDRIP - LION
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   [ L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  ]  
 Ûß ²   °                                                                    ß  
 Û  ²   °     StarTrek.TOS.Volume.11.1967.COMPLETE.NTSC.DVDR-LiON            ß  
 ß                                                                           ß  
 ß  EFNET CHANNEL: #LiON          (feel free to join and idle/chat)		
    RELEASE DATE: 2002-??-??          SiZE........: 90x50mb                     
    DVD DATE....: 1999                GENRE.......: Sci-Fi/Adventure      			
    FORMAT......: DVDR                RUNTiME.....: 100 min                     
    AUDiO.......: DD. 5.1 ENG         iMDB VOTES..: None	
    RESULOTiON..: 720x480             iMDB:	
    DOWNSAMPLED...:   [ ]-YES          [X]-NO                   		
    MENUS:            [X]-YES          [ ]-NO					
    EXTRAS ADDED..:   [X]-YES          [ ]-NO                   		
    [X]-ENGLiSH       [ ]-SPANiSH      [ ]-SWEDiSH       [ ]-FRENCH		
    [ ]-GERMAN        [ ]-DUTCH        [ ]-NORWEIGAN     [ ]-iTALiAN		
    [ ]-RUSSiAN       [ ]-HEBREW       [ ]-FiNNiSH       [ ]-HiNDi		
    [ ]-CZECH         [ ]-GREEK        [ ]-DANiSH        [ ]-OTHER		
    REGiON........:   [ ]-PAL          [X]-NTSC					
    REGiON FREE...:   [X]-YES          [ ]-NO					
    ASPECT RATIO..:   [ ] 16:9-Anamorphic                                     	
                      [ ] 16:9-Letterbox                                      	
                      [ ] 16:9-Widescreen                                     	
                      [X]  4:3-Fullscreen                                     	
    NOTE(S).......: Complete!!!Nothing Touched!!!
                   [ M O V I E  S Y N O P S I S ]				
                 Episode 21 - Tomorrow is Yesterday
  When the  U.S.S.  Enterprise is  thrown into a  time warp by a black star
  it ends up orbiting  Earth in the 20th  century. Omaha Air Base detects a
  peculiar  UFO  and  sends a fighter  plane,  manned by Captain John Chri-
  stopher, to investigate. 
  The  starship accidentally  destroys  the plane, caught  in their tractor
  beam, so the pilot  is beamed  aboard. The  problem now, of course, is to
  prevent Captain  Christopher  from returning  to tell others on Earth. In
  order  not  to  change history, in  which  Christopher's  son  will prove
  important, Kirk must return the captain to Earth without knowledge of the
  In an  attempt to  remove all  records of the  U.S.S. Enterprise sighting
  Kirk and  Sulu  beam  down  to the air  base. Kirk  is almost immediately
  captured by the Air  Police, though Sulu  manages  to escape and gets the
  stolen  records to the U.S.S. Enterprise. Spock  and  Captain Christopher
  beam down to help get Kirk away from the Air Police. At the same time, an
  Air  Police sergeant  has  been accidentally caught in the  U.S.S. Enter-
  prise's transporter  beam and  is reeling as  he finds himself  on a 23rd
  century starship. 
  Spock and Scotty  manage to recreate the conditions of the time warp that
  brought  them to this  time, with a slingshot  effect around the Sun. The
  confused Air Police sergeant is returned to  Earth a second before he was
  transported  to  the  Enterprise,  so  he  will  remember nothing  of his
  astounding experience, and the starship returns to the 23rd century. 
  This time, the  pilot sees nothing  and the Air Force  concludes that the
  sighting  was  a mistake ... a  UFO. In effect, everything  that had hap-
  pened, never happened.

                 Episode 22 - The Return of the Archons
  While  orbiting  what  should  be  a dead  planet,  the U.S.S. Enterprise
  The U.S.S. Enterprise is  investigating Beta III, where the U.S.S. Archon
  disappeared over 100 years before. 
  When  the  landing party  exhibits  strange behavior, Kirk  sends another
  party down to investigate. They find the culture on Beta III is quiescent
  with no creative tendencies. The entire culture is controlled  by a group
  of 'lawgivers' known  as "The Body" which is, in  turn, controlled by the
  omniscient Landru. The inhabitants change from normal, peaceful people to
  a violent  mob  at  the coming  of the  Red Hour. This  'Festival' is the
  society's only outlet for  the tyrannical  hold that Landru has over them
  at all other times. 
  Meanwhile, the U.S.S. Enterprise is being pulled from its orbit, its crew
  to be  absorbed  into the Body. This, they  discover, is what happened to
  the U.S.S. Archon, so many years before. 
  Archon  survivors have formed  an underground of sorts to  fight the Body
  and they  help Kirk  and Spock reach  Landru. Landru  turns out to  be an
  incredibly complex computer built by Landru, a  scientist who lived 6,000
  years  before, who wanted to guide his  people into a peaceful, civilized
  Landru had  affected the computer with  his scientific thoughts and memo-
  ries, but not his  wisdom. For centuries the computer, 'Landru,' has been
  interpreting  his  suggestions  to  the  point  that  no  one is  allowed
  independent thought.  Kirk tells the  computer that instead of helping to
  nurture the culture of Beta III, it has harmed it. Landru destroys itself
  leaving  the  Betans to work toward the sort of culture Landru had wanted
  so many centuries before. With  the promise of Federation help on the way
  Kirk and his crew beam back to the U.S.S. Enterprise.
                     [ C A S T O V E R V i E W] 				
          William Shatner   ....  Captain James T. Kirk 
          Leonard Nimoy     ....  Commander Spock 
          DeForest Kelley   ....  Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy 
          Grace Lee Whitney ....  Yeoman Janice Rand (1966) 
          James Doohan      ....  Lt. Commander Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott 
          George Takei      ....  Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu 
          Nichelle Nichols  ....  Lt. Uhura 
          Walter Koenig     ....  Ensign Pavel Chekov (1967-1969) 
          Majel Barrett     ....  Nurse Christine Chapel 
          John Winston (I)  ....  Lieutenant Kyle
                       [LiON LOOKiNG FOR YOU!]					
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    Û²ÛÛÛÛ          ÛÛ²ÛÛÛß            						
    Û²²ÛÛÛ          ÛÛÛÛÛß    - LotM BSP DNA DreamWorks DrS, Boozers -
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        Û²ÛÛximerÛÛÛÛÜ              We All Rule the DVDR Scene
       ßÛ²ASCiiANCEÛÛÛ   AND TO ALL OUR SITES THAT MAKES THIS POSSIBLE!                                      