Star Trek The Original Series - Volume 12 *NTSC* - DVDRIP - LION
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SiZE........: 90x50mb DVD DATE....: 1999 GENRE.......: Sci-Fi/Adventure FORMAT......: DVDR RUNTiME.....: 100 min AUDiO.......: DD. 5.1 ENG iMDB VOTES..: None RESULOTiON..: 720x480 iMDB: DOWNSAMPLED...: [ ]-YES [X]-NO MENUS: [X]-YES [ ]-NO EXTRAS ADDED..: [X]-YES [ ]-NO SUBTiTLES.....: [X]-ENGLiSH [ ]-SPANiSH [ ]-SWEDiSH [ ]-FRENCH [ ]-GERMAN [ ]-DUTCH [ ]-NORWEIGAN [ ]-iTALiAN [ ]-RUSSiAN [ ]-HEBREW [ ]-FiNNiSH [ ]-HiNDi [ ]-CZECH [ ]-GREEK [ ]-DANiSH [ ]-OTHER REGiON........: [ ]-PAL [X]-NTSC REGiON FREE...: [X]-YES [ ]-NO ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9-Anamorphic [ ] 16:9-Letterbox [ ] 16:9-Widescreen [X] 4:3-Fullscreen NOTE(S).......: Complete!!!Nothing Touched!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ M O V I E S Y N O P S I S ] Episode 23 - A Taste of Armageddon The U.S.S. Enterprise is ordered to pick up Ambassador Robert Fox, who is headed to planet Eminiar VII on a diplomatic mission. Upon arriving at the planet, the ship is warned away. Beaming to the surface with a landing party, Kirk and Spock are met by a young woman, Mea 3, who tells them that Eminiar VII has been at war with its neighboring planet, Vendikar, for over 500 years. Mea 3 takes them to the council chambers where they find banks of computers. Eminiar's head council Anan 7 informs them that the two planets have learned to avoid the complete devastation of war because computers are used. When a "hit" is scored by one of the planets, the people declared "dead" willingly walk into antimatter chambers and are vaporized. Anan 7 further tells Kirk that his ship and all the crew aboard her have been declared casual- ties and will be executed. When Kirk flatly refuses, the landing party members are taken prisoner. The council members are unable to convince Scotty, in charge of the U.S.S Enterprise, to lower shields without a direct order from Captain Kirk. Meanwhile, Ambassador Fox has beamed to Eminiar and is also taken prisoner, marked for death. Kirk and Spock escape and gain the council chambers where they destroy the computers. Kirk tells the council members that they have made this war too easy for themselves and that they will truly experience the horrors of war if they do not learn to make peace first. Ambassador Fox volunteers to stay behind and negotiate a peace between the neighboring planets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Episode 24 - Space Seed A piece of one of history's great puzzles falls into place when Kirk's crew comes across the S.S. Botany Bay, an old-style, pre-warp sleeper ship from Earth that contains several bodies in stasis. Amongst these bodies is Khan Noonien Singh, a genetically engineered strongman and one of the great leaders of Earth's Eugenics War of the 1990s. Although he disappeared without a trace then, once Khan is aroused from his long sleep he soon reveals the ambition, strength and intelligence that helped him conquer a quarter of the Earth. Once aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, Khan quickly befriends the beautiful Lieutenant Marla McGivers, the ship's historian who has a passion for strong-willed leaders. Together with his Botany Bay crew and new companion, they seize control of the Enterprise by capturing the engine room. Before it's too late, Marla has great misgivings about her newfound loyalties. With her help, Kirk and Spock regain control of the ship by flooding it with gas. Khan's men are soon overtaken and a due punishment is meted out. Khan and his crew, including Marla McGivers, are exiled to a planet where they must start life anew. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ C A S T O V E R V i E W] William Shatner .... Captain James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy .... Commander Spock DeForest Kelley .... Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy Grace Lee Whitney .... Yeoman Janice Rand (1966) James Doohan .... Lt. Commander Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott George Takei .... Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu Nichelle Nichols .... Lt. Uhura Walter Koenig .... Ensign Pavel Chekov (1967-1969) Majel Barrett .... Nurse Christine Chapel John Winston (I) .... Lieutenant Kyle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [LiON LOOKiNG FOR YOU!] ..Expirenced SVCD/DVDR rippers with rcnt/pre source. ..Asian Telesync/Telecine/Screener suppliers or just classic/pre suppliers... with a fast upload speed (100k/s+) that is able to upload VOBS to our dumps worldwide. 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