Star Trek The Original Series - Volume 13 *NTSC* - DVDRIP - LION
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   [ L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  L I O N  ]  
 Ûß ²   °                                                                    ß  
 Û  ²   °     StarTrek.TOS.Volume.13.1967.COMPLETE.NTSC.DVDR-LiON            ß  
 ß                                                                           ß  
 ß  EFNET CHANNEL: #LiON          (feel free to join and idle/chat)		
    RELEASE DATE: 2002-??-??          SiZE........: 90x50mb                     
    DVD DATE....: 1999                GENRE.......: Sci-Fi/Adventure      			
    FORMAT......: DVDR                RUNTiME.....: 100 min                     
    AUDiO.......: DD. 5.1 ENG         iMDB VOTES..: None	
    RESULOTiON..: 720x480             iMDB:	
    DOWNSAMPLED...:   [ ]-YES          [X]-NO                   		
    MENUS:            [X]-YES          [ ]-NO					
    EXTRAS ADDED..:   [X]-YES          [ ]-NO                   		
    [X]-ENGLiSH       [ ]-SPANiSH      [ ]-SWEDiSH       [ ]-FRENCH		
    [ ]-GERMAN        [ ]-DUTCH        [ ]-NORWEIGAN     [ ]-iTALiAN		
    [ ]-RUSSiAN       [ ]-HEBREW       [ ]-FiNNiSH       [ ]-HiNDi		
    [ ]-CZECH         [ ]-GREEK        [ ]-DANiSH        [ ]-OTHER		
    REGiON........:   [ ]-PAL          [X]-NTSC					
    REGiON FREE...:   [X]-YES          [ ]-NO					
    ASPECT RATIO..:   [ ] 16:9-Anamorphic                                     	
                      [ ] 16:9-Letterbox                                      	
                      [ ] 16:9-Widescreen                                     	
                      [X]  4:3-Fullscreen                                     	
    NOTE(S).......: Complete!!!Nothing Touched!!!
                   [ M O V I E  S Y N O P S I S ]				
                 Episode 25 - This Side of Paradise
  Expecting  the colonists of Omicron Ceti III to be dead after three years 
  of exposure to deadly Berthold rays, Kirk and Spock are surprised to find
  the colony alive and flourishing. 
  Spock beams to the surface and meets a young botanist, Leila Kalomi, that
  he'd worked with previously and they renew the old friendship. When she'd
  worked with Spock six years before on Earth, Leila  had tried to interest
  Spock romantically,  and  failed. Now she  leads the Vulcan to a secluded
  section  of the planet where a native plant sprays him with their spores.
  Leila  tells Spock  that  the plant induces feelings of harmony and peace
  and love,  along with a desire  to remain  on Omicron Ceti  III and their
  The spores serve to break down Spock's inhibitions and soon he has decla-
  red his  love  for Leila and his desire to  remain on the planet. Some of
  the plants are beamed  aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise and  more of the crew
  are affected. 
  Captain Kirk, the  last holdout, finally is affected  by the power of the
  spores and  discovers, through his own violent, adverse effect at leaving
  his  beloved U.S.S.  Enterprise, that  strong, violent emotions are  what
  reverse the effect of the spores. 
  Kirk  manages to lure Spock back to the U.S.S. Enterprise where  he goads
  Spock into  a  fight. The extra adrenaline in the  Vulcan's system pushes
  the  effect of the  spores  from Spock and he reverts  to normal ... just
  short of killing Captain Kirk. 
  Using subsonic  sound waves, the two  officers manage to bring around the
  rest  of the crew and colonists. Now that the  colonists realize that the
  spores have prevented them from making  any real progress and accomplish-
  ments, they plan to relocate where the plants do not grow.
                 Episode 26 - The Devil in the Dark
  The  U.S.S.  Enterprise  arrives  to  investigate  reports  of an unknown
  monster deep in the mining tunnels of Janus VI.  The being is  apparently
  destroying  machinery  and  killing  the  miners,  and has the ability to
  burrow  through  solid  rock. Janus VI is  a source for the rare  mineral
  Soon after the landing party arrives  on the planet's surface, a  reactor
  pump is  stolen and the colony  is in jeopardy from fluctuating life sup-
  port functions. However, this  convinces Spock that they are dealing, not
  with a mindless monster, but with an intelligent lifeform. 
  Kirk and Spock, along with members of the ship's security team, enter the
  mines to find the creature.  They  discover a large,  rock-like  creature
  that  burrows  easily  through the stone  walls, as  a mole  might burrow
  through dirt. Wounded in  a phaser blast, the  bulky  creature manages to
  escape through the stone wall. 
  They  continue  pursuit and eventually  Kirk is trapped  by the creature.
  When it doesn't attack, Spock attempts a Vulcan mind meld with the entity
  and discovers that it is,  in fact, an intelligent being. A native of the
  planet, the creature is normally peaceful, and called a Horta. It doesn't
  mind sharing the planet with the miners, but when the men  broke into the
  Horta's hatchery and  unknowingly destroyed many of her eggs, it attacked
  to protect its remaining unborn children. 
  With  Spock acting  as  interpreter, the miners explain that they thought
  the eggs were some king of silicon nodules and that no hostility had been
  McCoy treats the silicon-based creature, with a trowel and patch material
  and heals it. An alliance is formed between the Horta and the miners; the
  young, newly hatched  Hortas will  mine  the pergium at a far faster rate
  than  the  humans  could  and  the miners  will  be  extremely rich. Kirk
  retrieves the  missing reactor and the  landing party leaves the  inhabi-
  tants of Janus VI living in peaceful co-existence.
                     [ C A S T O V E R V i E W] 				
                  William Shatner .... James T. Kirk
                  Leonard Nimoy   .... Spock
                  DeForest Kelley .... Leonard H. McCoy
                  James Doohan    .... Montgomery Scott
                  Guest Cast:
                  Janos Prohaska  .... Horta
                  Ken Lynch       .... Chief Engineer Vanderberg
                  Barry Russo     .... Lt. Comm. Giotto
                  Brad Weston     .... Ed Appel
                  Creative staff:
                  Director: Joseph Pevney
                  Written By: Gene L. Coon

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    Û²²ÛÛÛ          ÛÛÛÛÛß    - LotM BSP DNA DreamWorks DrS, Boozers -
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