Star Trek The Original Series - Volume 14 *NTSC* - DVDRIP - LION
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SiZE........: 90x50mb DVD DATE....: 1999 GENRE.......: Sci-Fi/Adventure FORMAT......: DVDR RUNTiME.....: 100 min AUDiO.......: DD. 5.1 ENG iMDB VOTES..: None RESULOTiON..: 720x480 iMDB: DOWNSAMPLED...: [ ]-YES [X]-NO MENUS: [X]-YES [ ]-NO EXTRAS ADDED..: [X]-YES [ ]-NO SUBTiTLES.....: [X]-ENGLiSH [ ]-SPANiSH [ ]-SWEDiSH [ ]-FRENCH [ ]-GERMAN [ ]-DUTCH [ ]-NORWEIGAN [ ]-iTALiAN [ ]-RUSSiAN [ ]-HEBREW [ ]-FiNNiSH [ ]-HiNDi [ ]-CZECH [ ]-GREEK [ ]-DANiSH [ ]-OTHER REGiON........: [ ]-PAL [X]-NTSC REGiON FREE...: [X]-YES [ ]-NO ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9-Anamorphic [ ] 16:9-Letterbox [ ] 16:9-Widescreen [X] 4:3-Fullscreen NOTE(S).......: Complete!!!Nothing Touched!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ M O V I E S Y N O P S I S ] Episode 27 - Errand of Mercy Kirk and Spock beam down to the surface of planet Organia to negotiate for the erection of a Federation base on that planet. Hostilities between the nearby Klingon Empire and Federation have reached alarming heights and it is feared that the medieval culture of the Organians will not be able to withstand a Klingon attack. However, the Organian Council, com- prised of five seemingly pleasant, benign elderly men, insist that they prefer to stay with their more primitive culture. When Kor and his Klingon force attack the planet, Kirk and Spock go undercover as Organian and Vulcan traders. They are captured by the Klin- gons, and to their surprise, the Organians free them with ease. In turn the Klingon ship and the U.S.S. Enterprise square off to battle in orbit of the planet. Displeased by the outbreak of violence, the Organians reveal themselves to be powerful creatures of pure energy who easily neutralize the weapons on both ships, thus ending the threat for the moment. Back on the U.S.S. Enterprise, Kirk feels certain that the Organians will not only take care of themselves in the future, but monitor their sur- roundings for any hint of hostilities. Cast: William Shatner as James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy as Spock Nichelle Nichols as Uhura George Takei as Hikaru Sulu Guest Cast: David Hillary Hughes as Trefayne Jon Abbott as Ayelborne John Colicos as Commander Kor Peter Brocco as Claymare ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Episode 28 - The City on the Edge of Forever McCoy accidentally injects himself with an overdose of cordrazine, a drug which makes him exhibit signs of paranoia and madness, while treating an ailing Sulu on the Bridge. Delirious, he beams down to a nearby planet's surface, with Kirk and a landing party on his heels. They are too late to stop the doctor from leaping through a living time machine called "The Guardian of Forever." At that moment, the U.S.S. Enterprise ceases to exist and the landing party is stranded. The Guardian explains that McCoy went back into Earth's history and changed it, thereby altering the future. Kirk and Spock go through the Guardian to Depression-era America, a few days before McCoy is to arrive and change history. They encounter a social worker, Edith Keeler, who helps them find work to pay for the equipment Spock requires to build a tricorder. Unknown to Kirk and Spock, Edith has taken in the recently-arrived and ill McCoy. Kirk promptly falls in love with Edith and is devastated when Spock com- pletes his tricorder and discovers that in order to repair history, they must let Edith Keeler be killed in an auto accident. If they allow McCoy to save her — as he did before — she will start an effective pacifist movement that will delay the United States' entrance into World War II thus allowing Hitler's Germany to develop the atomic bomb first and con- quer the planet. When the moment comes, a heartbroken Kirk stops McCoy from saving Edith and the three officers journey back through the Guardian, where they find things as they should be again. Cast: William Shatner as James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy as Spock DeForest Kelley as Leonard H. McCoy James Doohan as Montgomery Scott Nichelle Nichols as Uhura George Takei as Hikaru Sulu Guest Cast: Joan Collins as Edith Keeler John Harmon as Rodent Hal Baylor as Policeman David L. Ross as Lt. Galloway John Winston as Transporter chief Bartell La Rue as Guardian of Forever voice ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [LiON LOOKiNG FOR YOU!] ..Expirenced SVCD/DVDR rippers with rcnt/pre source. ..Asian Telesync/Telecine/Screener suppliers or just classic/pre suppliers... with a fast upload speed (100k/s+) that is able to upload VOBS to our dumps worldwide. 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