Star Trek The Original Series - Volume 15 *NTSC* - DVDRIP - LION
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SiZE........: 90x50mb DVD DATE....: 1999 GENRE.......: Sci-Fi/Adventure FORMAT......: DVDR RUNTiME.....: 100 min AUDiO.......: DD. 5.1 ENG iMDB VOTES..: None RESULOTiON..: 720x480 iMDB: DOWNSAMPLED...: [ ]-YES [X]-NO MENUS: [X]-YES [ ]-NO EXTRAS ADDED..: [X]-YES [ ]-NO SUBTiTLES.....: [X]-ENGLiSH [ ]-SPANiSH [ ]-SWEDiSH [ ]-FRENCH [ ]-GERMAN [ ]-DUTCH [ ]-NORWEIGAN [ ]-iTALiAN [ ]-RUSSiAN [ ]-HEBREW [ ]-FiNNiSH [ ]-HiNDi [ ]-CZECH [ ]-GREEK [ ]-DANiSH [ ]-OTHER REGiON........: [ ]-PAL [X]-NTSC REGiON FREE...: [X]-YES [ ]-NO ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9-Anamorphic [ ] 16:9-Letterbox [ ] 16:9-Widescreen [X] 4:3-Fullscreen NOTE(S).......: Complete!!!Nothing Touched!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ M O V I E S Y N O P S I S ] Episode 29 - Operation: Annihilate! Arriving at the planet Deneva, home of Kirk's only brother Sam and his family, the U.S.S. Enterprise picks up a transmission from a Denevan pilot who has steered his craft into the sun to destroy some unknown menace. Beaming down to the planet, Kirk finds his brother dead and Sam's wife in a fatal condition. Their only son, Peter, survives informing the lan- ding party of what has occurred. It seems that Deneva has been infested with large, amoeba-like aliens that attack humans and intertwine their tentacles with the body's nervous system. They can move short distances through the air and use excruciating pain as a means of controlling their victims. When Spock is attacked by one of the creatures, he uses his Vulcan mind control to overcome the pain and return to duty. However, a cure must be found; they must find a way to kill the parasite without harming its host Kirk remembers the pilot that flew into the sun and suggests that they may be sensitive to intense light. Spock volunteers to be McCoy's test patient and the doctor bombards him with light beams so strong that the Vulcan is blinded. Too late, the doctor realizes that only ultraviolet light is needed to kill the creatures. Kirk sets off ultraviolet satellite flares over the planet Deneva, free- ing its people from the parasites. Fortunately, Spock's blindness is temporary, due to a second eyelid developed by Vulcans to protect their eyes from the harsh sun on planet Vulcan. Cast: William Shatner as James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy as Spock DeForest Kelley as Leonard H. McCoy James Doohan as Montgomery Scott Nichelle Nichols as Uhura George Takei as Hikaru Sulu Guest Cast: Dave Armstrong as Kartan Craig Hundley as Peter Kirk Majel Barrett as Christine Chapel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Episode 30 - Catspaw On the planet Pyris VII, two beings known as Korob and Sylvia have been sent on a mission of conquest by their home world. Using a matter tran- smuter, they assume human form to welcome the U.S.S. Enterprise landing party. When one member of the initial landing party returns to the ship dead Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down to find Scotty and Sulu transformed into mindless zombies. Sylvia and Korob appear as witch and warlock and use scare tactics to keep the officers from investigating the planet and their motives. Kirk, Spock and McCoy are taken prisoner and shown exam- ples of Korob and Sylvia's "powers," which includes heating a small model of the U.S.S. Enterprise over a flame and having the heat transfer to the orbiting ship. Sylvia takes an interest in Kirk and decides to abandon her original mission in order to learn about human feelings and experiences. When she finds out the captain is merely using her to gain an advantage, she becomes furious and retaliates. Korob ultimately helps the crew to escape, but Sylvia turns into a giant black cat and crushes him. Kirk then uses Korob's wand transmuter to destroy Sylvia's source of power — her amulet — before smashing the wand. Their powers gone, the aliens revert to their true form — fragile blue creatures who quickly die in the planet's atmosphere. With their demise Scotty and Sulu return to normal and the landing party beams back to the U.S.S. Enterprise. Cast: William Shatner as James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy as Spock DeForest Kelley as Leonard H. McCoy James Doohan as Montgomery Scott Nichelle Nichols as Uhura George Takei as Hikaru Sulu Walter Koenig as Pavel Andreievich Chekov Guest Cast: Theo Marcuse as Korob Antoinette Bower as Sylvia Michael Barrier as Lt. DeSalle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [LiON LOOKiNG FOR YOU!] ..Expirenced SVCD/DVDR rippers with rcnt/pre source. ..Asian Telesync/Telecine/Screener suppliers or just classic/pre suppliers... with a fast upload speed (100k/s+) that is able to upload VOBS to our dumps worldwide. 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