Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo (Breakdance 2) - DVDRIP - OSVCD
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                   P R E S E N T S
            Breakin' 2 - Electric Boogaloo
   quality: DVD                     cds   : 2
   rating : 3.4                     source: DVD
   type   : SVCD                    sound : Stereo
   dat    : 22/12/2002              genre : Musical/Drama
 Plot Outline: A developer tries to bulldoze a community 
 recreation center. The local breakdancers try to stop it.  
No were not a new group, its just 1 lone guy here putting out
 a few SVCDS that someone was kind enough to lend me.  They
  havn't been ripped before, so I did them - end of story.
    Don't expect to see more from me, these are just 1 offs. 
               Hope you enjoy them all the same!
        Old Skool VCD.  Thanks go to ABF!  Cheers mate.