Hero *Subbed* Cam Internal - CAM - HkM
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Û³±±±±±±±±±±±±º                  Hero (2002)                      º±±±±±±±±±±±±±³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                     HERO.READ.NFO.CAM.Internal-HkM                           ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³    Date Release     : December 28, 2002                                      ³Û
Û³    VCD release      : N/A                                                    ³Û
Û³    Theatrical Run   : 2002                                                   ³Û
Û³    Number of Discs  : 2                                                      ³Û
Û³    Genre            : Action                                                 ³Û
Û³    Languages        : Mandarin                                               ³Û
Û³    SubTitles        : English & Chinese                                      ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³    Movie Format     : bin/cue                                                ³Û
Û³    Files            : CD 1= hkm-hero.cd1.r**  42x15 mb                       ³Û
Û³                       CD 2= hkm-hero.cd2.r**  24x15 mb                       ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³    Ripper           : [HkM]                                                  ³Û
Û³    Supplier         : [HkM]                                                  ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³    Where to buy     : N/A                                                    ³Û
Û³    IMDB info        : http://us.imdb.com/Title?0299977                       ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                                  Cast:                                       ³Û
Û³                           Jet Li as Nameless                                 ³Û
Û³                           Chen Dao Ming as the King                          ³Û
Û³                           Tony Leung as Broken Sword                         ³Û
Û³                           Maggie Cheung as Flying Snow                       ³Û
Û³                           Donnie Yen as Sky                                  ³Û
Û³                           Zhang Ziyi as Moon                                 ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                                Synopsis:                                     ³Û
Û³   Thousands of years ago, China was split up into six warring factions.      ³Û
Û³   The most ruthless faction was the Kingdom of Qin, whose king (Chen Dao     ³Û
Û³   Ming) wanted to conquer the neighbouring kingdoms to unite the whole of    ³Û
Û³   China. This ideal made the king a target of numerous assassination         ³Û
Û³   attempts from neighbouring kingdoms. In particular there were three        ³Û
Û³   top-class assassins in pursuit of him: Sky (Donnie Yen), Broken Sword      ³Û
Û³   (Tony Leung) and Flying Snow (Maggie Cheung). The king promised anybody    ³Û
Û³   who could kill these assassins innumerable wealth and an audience with     ³Û
Û³   the king, a high reward since nobody could come within one hundred paces   ³Û
Û³   of him. It was a lowly sheriff called Nameless (Jet Li) who came with the  ³Û
Û³   weapons of the assassins to tell his tale of his deed to the king but as   ³Û
Û³   always the picture is not always what it seems.                            ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û  
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                             Special Note:                                    ³Û
Û³                      							³Û
Û³   The English Sub in this release is slightly blocked because of the angle	³Û
Û³   of the camera recording. 							³Û
Û³										³Û
Û³   Directed by international renowned filmmaker Zhang Yi-mou, "Hero" presents ³Û
Û³   2002 's most long-awaited martial arts film. Following the remarkable 	³Û
Û³   success of "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" (2001), this movie will 	³Û
Û³   probably be on the list nominated for "Best Foreign Movie" in the coming 	³Û
Û³   Oscar Award presentation. 							³Û
Û³										³Û
Û³   The theme song of Hero is also sang by the Pop-Queen of Asia Faye Wong	³Û
Û³                                     						³Û	
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                           Group History:                                     ³Û
Û³       Established during the Summer of 2000, Hongkong-movies (HkM) is a      ³Û
Û³    dedicated entertainment group who interested is to enhance the            ³Û
Û³    experience of Asian entertainment. HkM originated from irc-Dalnet and     ³Û
Û³    has expanded over to irc-Efnet in early 2001 to reach a larger audience.  ³Û
Û³    We are actively involved in spreading asian movies. We regularly          ³Û
Û³    distribute high quality releases in Divx format to encourage others to    ³Û
Û³    buy the original after previewing the film. Our hopes are to spread and   ³Û
Û³    promote various asian films. We allow users to chat through mIRC and      ³Û
Û³    message boards to voice opinions of movies in hopes to bring new ideas    ³Û
Û³    and ultimately improved films. We hope to broaden the horizon of all      ³Û
Û³    those who are interested in asian films.                                  ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³       Although HkM has existed only a short period of time, we hope to       ³Û
Û³    expand and increase awareness to all. We are continually improving and    ³Û
Û³    growing in hopes to serve those who are interested in asian movies. Our   ³Û
Û³    ultimate goal is to promote awareness of asian films to different         ³Û
Û³    groups of people.                                                         ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³    Wanna Join Us!!! (If you can provide us with the following):              ³Û
Û³    *SHELLS                                                                   ³Û
Û³    *SUPPLIERS (from Asia) OF UNRELEASED VCDs                                 ³Û
Û³    *SUPPLIERS (from Asia) OF DVDs                                            ³Û
Û³    *SUPPLIERS (from Asia) OF ASIAN MUSIC CDs                                 ³Û
Û³    *PPL IN AMERICA WITH GOOD INTERNET CONNECTION                             ³Û
Û³    *NEW US-EU AFFILS OC3 +                                                   ³Û
Û³    *NEW US-EU AFFILS 100+ MBIT 200+ GIG                                      ³Û
Û³    *Owners of 10mbit 100+ GIG                                                ³Û
Û³    *Providers Of Free Hardware ESPECIALLY HDD                                ³Û
Û³    *Webpage Professional Designers                                           ³Û
Û³    *Music Store Owners and Suppliers are welcome to Join  	                ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³    Email us at: [email protected] or visit us at #hkm @ EFnet           ³Û
Û³                                                                              ³Û
Û³±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±[HkM] Members: "You know who you are !!!"±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±³Û