83 Hours Til Dawn - DVDRIP - iNVASiON
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       ²²²°°°°         83 Hours Til Dawn             °°°           
      ²±±°°                                           °            
     ²²°°             Release Date: 01/02/03                       
   ²²±±               Source: DVD RETAiL                           
  Û²°±                Runtime: 96 MiN                       
 Û²±±±                http://us.imdb.com/Title?0098968                 Û
 Û²±±                                                                 ÛÛÛ
Û²²±±                                                                  Û
Û²±±°     ²           Wayne Stracton, an unscrupulous psychopathic 
Û²±°°    ²²²          criminal, kidnaps the teenage Julie Burdock 
Û²±±°°    ²           and buries her in a small box with air for 
Û²±±°°                only 83 hours. He demands half a million 
 ²±±°°                dollars from her father and gives him most 
 Û±±°°                detailed instructions on how to deliver the 
  Û²°°°               money. Meanwhile the FBI frantically tries to 
  Û²²°°°              locate Julie, knowing that the kidnaper won't 
   Û²²²°              care for her after he's received the money and 
   °ÛÛ²°°             even less if he doesn't.
             Û°°°                           Û            
              ÛÛ°°                         ÛÛÛ               °ÛÛ
                                            Û                °°ÛÛÛ
                   Release Notes                                     
            This is our first release, but you can expect            ÛÛ
         many more good releases from our new group. We hope         ²ÛÛ
         you will enjoy watching this as much as we enjoyed          °²²Û
         doing it. Watch out for our releases of some good           °°²²Û
         classic movies.                                              °°²ÛÛ°
     ²                                                              °  °°°²²Û
    ²²²              Apply Info                                    °°°  °°°²Û
     ²                                                              °    °°±±Û
           Were looking for a some new members who can                   °°±±²
           meet these following requirements:                            °°±±²Û
        * If you have any access to Recent dvds Or Unreleased dvds        °°±²Û
        * If you can supply LEGIT hardware.                               °±±²Û
        * If you can supply a dump (at least 100mbit line, with a         ±±²²Û
        decent sized box and would like to be a dump for us, apply        ±±²Û
        now) these would be in US/EU.                                    ±±±²Û
        * No couriers are needed, thanks anyways.                        ±°²Û
        * Always looking for good Dvd rippers to help us making our     ±±²²
        releases even better.                                         °°²²
        * Looking for stable bncs for group members to use          °°±±²
                         Contact             ²                  ±±±²²²°
                     [email protected]    ²                ±±²²