Minority Report *SVCD* *iNTERNAL* - DVDRIP - FiRM
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                         Minority Report DvDRip SVCD *iNTERNAL*
     ############################### Release Information #################################
     #########                                                                   #########
     #########         Title  : Minority Report                                  #########
     #########       RLS DATE : Jan 1 2003                                       #########
     #########          Genre : Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Crime, Drama, Mystery  #########
     #########       iMDb Url : http://us.imdb.com/Title?0181689                 #########
     #########   Theatre Date : June 23rd 2003                                   #########
     #########       Language : English                                          #########
     #########      Ripped by : FiRM                                             #########
     #########    MPAA Rating : PG-13                                            #########
     #########       Run Time : 145 Minutes                                      #########
     #########         Source : DVD                                              #########
     #########   Video Format : SVCD                                             #########
     #########     Resolution : 480x480 Standard NTSC                            ######### 
     #########  Video Bitrate : 2450kbits                                        #########
     #########  Audio Bitrate : 224kbits 44.1kz                                  #########
     #########      Disk Size : CD1 - 50x15mb                                    #########
     #########                  CD2 - 50x15mb                                    #########
     #########                  CD3 - 50x15mb                                    #########
     #########                                                                   #########
     #########                                                                   #########
     #########                                                                   #########
    ################################### Plot Summary ######################################
     ###### 									    ######
     ###### Based on a Philip K. Dick short story, Minority Report is about a       ###### 
     ###### cop in the future working in a division of the police department        ###### 
     ###### that arrests killers before they commit the crimes courtesy of some     ######
     ###### future viewing technology. Cruise's character has the tables turned     ######   
     ###### on him when he is accused of a future crime and must find out what      ######
     ###### brought it about and stop it before it can happen.                      ###### 
     ###### 									    ######
                               Tom Cruise : John Anderton 
		            Max von Sydow : Lamar Burgess 
                             Steve Harris : Jad 
                           Neal McDonough : Officer Gordon Fletcher 
                       Patrick Kilpatrick : Officer Jeff Knott 
                          Jessica Capshaw : Evanna 

        			     Group News:
             Note : This is an iNTERNAL release of Minority Report to the group 
                    of FiRM. Yes we know its an old release. If this is leaked in
                    any way to others please do not criticize the work of ours.
                    We are a new group and are currently in the process of releasing
                    better releases.  
           Needed : Suppliers of Pre Store DVD, Hardwares, VCD Silvers, or Cammers
 		    10mbit/100mbit+ Sites and Afils. 
                    NO WE DO NOT NEED CURRYS	