Mulholland Drive - DVD SCR - JAR
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       ³                  Mulholland Drive                      ³
     ÚÄ´                                                         ÃÄ¿
     ³±³                                                         ³±³
     ³±³ RELEASEDATE..[ February 11, 2002                        ³±³
     ³±³ MOViEYEAR....[ 2001                                     ³±³
     ³±³ DVD RELEASE..[ April 9, 2002                            ³±³
     ³±³ IMDB.........[         ³±³
     ³±³                                                         ³±³
     ³±³ GENRE........[ Drama / Mystery                          ³±³
     ³±³ PLAYTiME.....[ 2:27                                     ³±³
     ³±³ LANGUAGE.....[ English                                  ³±³
     ³±³                                                         ³±³
     ³±³ DVDASPECT....[ 1.85:1                                   ³±³
     ³±³ FRAME RATE...[ 30                                       ³±³
     ³±³ AUDiO........[ 128bit mp3                               ³±³
     ³±³ ViDEO........[ 1600                                     ³±³
     ³±³ RESOLUTiON...[ 576x304                                  ³±³
     ³±³ SUBTiTLES....[ none                                     ³±³
     ³±³                                                         ³±³
     ³±³ RARS.........[ CD1-53*15 CD2-52*15 CD3-52*15            ³±³
     ³±³ SiZE.........[ 2.35GB                                   ³±³
     ³±³                                                         ³±³
       ɹ°  ° °±±²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛºÉ[  MOViE PLOT  ]»ºÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±±° °  °Ì»
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     ÚÄ´                                                         ÃÄ¿
     ³±³A woman, known only as Rita, is involved in a car crash  ³±³
     ³±³on Mulholland Drive, in Hollywood California, with two   ³±³
     ³±³men, who are apparently evil. In the crash, the two men  ³±³
     ³±³die, but Rita escapes. She remembers nothing afterwards, ³±³
     ³±³not even her name, but simply crawls away. She stumbles  ³±³
     ³±³to an apartment complex and hides in a bush outside of   ³±³
     ³±³it. Meanwhile, at a restaurant, two men named Herb and   ³±³
     ³±³Dan converse. Dan reveals he had a nightmarish dream     ³±³
     ³±³about the particular restaurant they're in. When the     ³±³
     ³±³dream begins to come true, the two high-tail it out of   ³±³
     ³±³there. They go to an alley next to it, where Dan dies for³±³
     ³±³no apparent reason. Later, a wannabe actress named Betty ³±³
     ³±³arrives in Los Angeles and takes a cab to the apartment  ³±³
     ³±³complex her Aunt Ruth lives in. There, she meets Coco    ³±³
     ³±³(Ann Miller), the manager of the apartment complex. She  ³±³
     ³±³takes Betty to her Aunt's room (her aunt being away, she ³±³
     ³±³is letting Betty stay there). Once Coco leaves, Betty    ³±³
     ³±³finds Rita hiding in there. Rita eventually tells Betty  ³±³
     ³±³about her amnesia and the two try to figure out who she  ³±³
     ³±³is. In another part of Los Angeles, a man named Adam     ³±³
     ³±³Kesher, a film director, is being conned into hiring a   ³±³
     ³±³specific actress for his new movie by a pair of brothers ³±³
     ³±³named Luigi and Vincezno Castigliane (apparently mafia   ³±³
     ³±³types). He refuses and returns home, to find his wife in ³±³
     ³±³bed with a cleaner. The cleaner beats Adam up, and Adam  ³±³
     ³±³goes to stay at a hotel. When he's there, he finds the   ³±³
     ³±³the Castigliane brothers have evaporated all his money   ³±³
     ³±³resources, and he has only enough for one night.         ³±³
       ɹ°  ° °±±²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛºÉ[MOViE CAST]»ºÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±±° °  °Ì»
       ÃÙ                                                       À´
     ÚÄ´                                                         ÃÄ¿
     ³±³        Justin Theroux      ....  Adam Kesher            ³±³ 
     ³±³        Naomi Watts         ....  Betty Elms/Diane Selwyn³±³  
     ³±³        Laura Harring       ....  Rita/Camilla Rhodes    ³±³
     ³±³        Ann Miller (I)      ....  Coco Lenoix            ³±³
     ³±³        Dan Hedaya          ....  Vincenzo Castigliane   ³±³
     ³±³        Mark Pellegrino     ....  Joe, the hitman        ³±³
     ³±³        Brian Beacock (I)   ....  Backup Singer #1       ³±³
     ³±³        Robert Forster      ....  Detective Harry McKnigh³±³  
     ³±³        Katharine Towne     ....  Cynthia, casting asst. ³±³ 
     ³±³        Lee Grant (I)       ....  Louise Bonner          ³±³
     ³±³        Michael J. Anderson ....  Mr. Roque              ³±³
     ³±³        Scott Coffey (I)    ....  Wilkins                ³±³
     ³±³        Billy Ray Cyrus     ....  Gene, the pool cleaning³±³  
     ³±³        Chad Everett        ....  Jimmy Katz             ³±³  
     ³±³        Kate Forster        ....  Martha Johnson         ³±³
       ɹ°  ° °±±²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛºÉ[RiPPERS NOTES]»ºÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²±±° °  °Ì»
       ÃÙ                                                       À´
     ÚÄ´                                                         ÃÄ¿
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