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  ÛÛÛ                                 ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ                               
 ÛÛÛ±Û                               ÛÛ°°°±±±°ÛÛ                             
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               ÛÛ±±°±±Û±±±±±ÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ           ÛÛ²²Û  !psu!  Û²²±±±±²²²²ÛÛ
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       Û±±°°±±Û                Û±±±°°±±²²²²±±°±Û Û²²²±²²²²²²Û²²²²²²±±²Û  Û
      Û±±±±±±Û                 Û±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Û Û²²²±±²²²²²Û²²²²²²²²²Û ±±Û
     Û±°±±±±Û                 Û±±±°°±±±±±±±±±±±Û  Û²²²±±²²²²²²²²²²²²²Û  ±±Û
    Û±°°±±±Û                  Û±±°°°±±±±±±±±±±±Û  Û²²²²²²²²²²²²²²±²²²Û ±±±±Û
    Û±±±±±±Û                  Û±°°°°±±±±±±±±±±Û    Û²²²²²²²²²²²²±±²²Û  ±±°±Û
   Û±±±±±±Û                   Û±°°°°°±±±±±±±°±Û     Û²²²²²²²²²²±±±²²Û ±±±°°±Û
   Û±°±±±±Û                   Û±°°°°°°±±±±±°°±Û      Û²²²²²²²²±±±±²Û  ±±±°±±Û
  Û±±±±±±Û                   Û±±°°°°°°°±±°°°°±Û       Û²²²±±±±±±±²²Û  Û±±±±±±Û
  Û±±±±°±Û                   Û±±±±±±°°°±±°°°±±Û       Û²²²²±±±±²²²Û   Û±±±±±±Û
  Û±°±±±±Û                   ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±±±±Û        Û²²²²²²²²²²Û   Û±±±±°±Û
 Û±±°±±±Û                            ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ         ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ     Û±±°°±±Û
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±°°±±Û
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±±±Û
 Û±±±±±±Û                        -iNTRAVENOUS-                         Û±±±±±±Û
 Û±±°±±±Û                                                              Û±±±°±±Û
 Û±±°±±±Û  injects another high quality DVD-Rip into your bloodstream  Û±±±°±±Û
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û     Release Info:                                            Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û       Title: Old Gringo                                      Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û       Ripper: n00b                                           Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û       Release Date: 01/05/2003                               Û±±±±±±Û 
  Û±±±±±±Û      CD Sizes: (53/53/53)                                  Û±±±±±±Û  
   Û±±±±±±Û     CD Filenames: iv-og#.rar                             Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û     Format: SVCD, NTSCFilm 23.976FPS (w/pulldown)        Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û     Audio Bitrate: 224                                   Û±±±°°±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û     Video Bitrate  Avg: 2325                             Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                    Max: 2450                             Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                    Min: 300                              Û±±±±±±Û   
    Û±±±°±±Û                   # of passes: 6                       Û±±°±±±Û    
     Û±±°°±±Û                                                      Û±±°°±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û Movie Info:                                          Û±±°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°°±Û                                                      Û±°°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û   IMDB URL: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0098022         Û±±°±±±Û     
    Û±±±±±±Û    Thearter Rls Date: 10/06/1989                       Û±±±±±±Û    
   Û±±±±±±Û     DVD Rls Date: 07/02/2002                             Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û     DVD Aspect Ratio: 16:9                               Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û     Runtime: 119 min                                     Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û     MPAA Rating: USA-R                                   Û±±±°°±Û   
  Û±±°±±±±Û     IMDB Rating: 5.3/10 (214 votes)                      Û±±±±°±±Û  
 Û±±±±±±±Û      Directed By: Luis Puenzo                              Û±±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±±°±Û       Writing Credits: Carlos Fuentes (I)                    Û±°±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                                                              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û       Plot Outline: When school teacher Harriet              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û                     Winslow (Jane Fonda) goes to             Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                     Mexico to teach, she is                  Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û                     kidnapped by Gen. Tomas Arroyo           Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û                     (Jimmy Smits) & his                      Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û                     revolutionaries.                         Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±±±Û 
  Û±±±±±±Û      Cast                                                  Û±±±±±±Û  
   Û±±±±±±Û      Jane Fonda .... Harriet Winslow                     Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û      Gregory Peck .... Ambrose Bierce                    Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û      Jimmy Smits .... General Tomas Arroyo               Û±±±°°±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û      Patricio Contreras .... Colonel Frutos Garcia       Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û      Jenny Gago .... La Garduna                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û      Gabriela Roel .... La Luna                          Û±±±±±±Û   
    Û±±±°±±Û     Sergio Calderón .... Zacarias                      Û±±°±±±Û    
     Û±±°°±±Û    Guillermo Ríos .... Monsalvo                      Û±±°°±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û    Jim Metzler .... Ron                              Û±±°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°°±Û    Samuel Valadez De La Torre .... Consul            Û±°°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û    Saunders                                          Û±±°±±±Û     
    Û±±±±±±Û                                                        Û±±±±±±Û    
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û     Below is my encoding method:                         Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û                                                          Û±±±°°±Û   
  Û±±°±±±±Û      Video: Smartripper -> DVD2AVi ->                    Û±±±±°±±Û  
 Û±±±±±±±Û              AViSynth(BiCubicReSize) -> CCE                Û±±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±±°±Û               Multipass                                      Û±°±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                                                              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û        Audio: DVD2AVi -> ac3 -> BeSweet Gui(48->44.1         Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û               Ultrahigh, Norm, Dolby Downmix)                Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                                                              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û                    --=:[About iV:]:=--                       Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û          iNTRAVENOUS is a group dedicted to quality in       Û±±±±±±Û 
  Û±±±±±±Û         the SVCD & DVDR scene.  Instead of churning        Û±±±±±±Û  
   Û±±±±±±Û        out repetitive Hollywood garbage, we bring        Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û        collectors the true classics.  With over a        Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û        thousand releases over the last year, iV is       Û±±±°°±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û        clearly one of your favarite Classic groups       Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û        around. Quality is ALWAYS our #1 priority         Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
    Û±±±°±±Û                                                        Û±±°±±±Û    
     Û±±°°±±Û      Because there is no real standard for           Û±±°°±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û      the SVCD scene, we have decided to make         Û±±°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°°±Û      our own internal standards:                     Û±°°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û                                                      Û±±°±±±Û     
    Û±±±±±±Û        1) SVCD Standard - We will adhere to the        Û±±±±±±Û    
   Û±±±±±±Û            Phillips SVCD Standard.                       Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û         2) Pioneer Players - We will never set           Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û            our max bitrate above 2450.                   Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û         3) CD Sizes - All of our bin/cue's will          Û±±±°°±Û   
  Û±±°±±±±Û            be at or under 79:59 because we know          Û±±±±°±±Û  
 Û±±±±±±±Û             that most burners on the market can't          Û±±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±±°±Û              overburn.                                       Û±°±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û           4) Audio Bitrate - We will use 224 ALL             Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û              cases.                                          Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û           5) Video Bitrate - Will NEVER go below             Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û              1800 for WS and 1900 for FS. Time =             Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û              NOTHING                                         Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û           6) No vomit movies!! We will provide               Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û              movies that we think you ( or your              Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û              kids ) would like to watch.                     Û±±±±±±Û 
  Û±±±±±±Û                                                            Û±±±±±±Û  
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û                --=:[We Are Hiring]:=--                   Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û                                                          Û±±±°°±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û        Please note that we are not hiring                Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û        DVD-rippers unless you can supply them            Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û        before the store date. We are also not            Û±±±±±±Û   
    Û±±±°±±Û       hiring couriers.                                 Û±±°±±±Û    
     Û±±°°±±Û                                                      Û±±°°±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û      Affils: Non needed at this time.. tx            Û±±°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°°±Û                                                      Û±°°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û      Distros: If you have access to a 100mbit        Û±±°±±±Û     
    Û±±±±±±Û               connection with at least 50 Gigs         Û±±±±±±Û    
   Û±±±±±±Û                of free space, contact us. We             Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                will be able to fill your space           Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û                with whatever you need.                   Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û                                                          Û±±±°°±Û   
  Û±±°±±±±Û        Pre-suppliers: We are looking for people          Û±±±±°±±Û  
 Û±±±±±±±Û                 with access to DVD's, screeners,           Û±±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±±°±Û                  or any other copy of a movie                Û±°±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                  before it hits stores. We CAN               Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                  teach these people how to rip.              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                                                              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û          More importantly, what can we offer you?            Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±°±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±°±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û           MP3, Utils, Games, Anime, DivX, Pr0n, TV,          Û±±±±±±Û 
  Û±±±±±±Û             Console(PSX, PS2, DC, GBA, GBC)                Û±±±±±±Û  
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û                Dont delay, find us now!!                 Û±±±°°±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                    --=:[Greets]:=--                      Û±±±±±±Û   
    Û±±±°±±Û                                                        Û±±°±±±Û    
     Û±±°°±±Û       THCiSO, LDSXXX, iMMVCD, VCDWS, PTi, SmR        Û±±°°±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û       TCF, TBH, DvCs, FTV, RZR1911, WiDE, 4HM        Û±±°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°°±Û       vV, XPD, LaTENiTE, NoVaVcd, ISO, &  mVi        Û±°°±±±Û     
     Û±±±°±±Û                                                      Û±±°±±±Û     
    Û±±±±±±Û                                                        Û±±±±±±Û    
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±±±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±±±Û   
   Û±°±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±°±Û   
   Û±°°±±±Û                                                          Û±±±°°±Û   
  Û±±°±±±±Û                                                          Û±±±±°±±Û  
 Û±±±±±±±Û                                                            Û±±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±±°±Û                                                              Û±°±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                                                              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                                                              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±±±Û 
 Û±±±°°±Û                                                              Û±°°±±±Û 
 Û±±±±±±Û                                                              Û±±±±±±Û
 Û±±°°±±Û                           ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ                           Û±±±°±±Û
 Û±±°±±±ÛÛ     will encode      ÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛ       last updated:  ÛÛ±±°°±±Û
 ÛÛ±±±±±±ÛÛ     for head    ÛÛÛÛÛ±±±°°±±±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛ     10/15/2002  ÛÛ±±°°±±ÛÛ
  ÛÛ±±±±±±ÛÛ             ÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±°±±±°°°±±°°±±±±±ÛÛÛÛ             ÛÛ±±±±±±ÛÛ
   Û±±±°±±±ÛÛÛ        ÛÛÛÛ±±±±°°±±±±±±±±±±±±±°°±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛ        ÛÛÛ±±±±±±±Û
    ÛÛ±±±±°±±±±±±±±±±±±±°°°±±±±±ÛÛÛÛ        ÛÛÛÛ±±±±°°±±±±±±±±±±±±±°±±±°±±ÛÛ
     ÛÛÛ±±±±±±±°°°°°°±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛ              ÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±±°°±±±±±°°°±±±ÛÛÛ
       ÛÛ±±±±±±±°°°±±±±±±±ÛÛÛ     Created with     ÛÛÛ±±±±±±°°°°±±±±±±±ÛÛ
         ÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛ    iV-nfobuilder v.24    ÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛ
              ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ                                    ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
                        Coded by psu, Mr_Wizard & Louca
[ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
[  +++  (:  * <<< Hoopy's Topsite Scripts v3.00 for glFTPd >>>  *  :)  +++  ]
[ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]